Friday, July 25, 2014

Game 15 - The Draft Kings - part deux


Rob:  You know how I don't like to interfere with your personal life, right?
Doug:  [staring]
Rob:  Well do you?
Doug:   Its probably the trait about you that I admire most. 
Rob:  Really?  That's a surprise!
Doug:  Surprised that you didn't pick up on the sarcasm?
Rob:  No.  Surprised that you picked that trait as your favourite when I have so many good ones to chose from. 
Doug:  [eyes rolling]
Rob:  Would you mind going in and grabbing my wine off of the counter in the kitchen?
Doug:  Yes my Liege.  [goes in .... comes back] As you wish lord Farah.
Rob:  You disappoint me.  Bartenders are supposed to have better skills. 
Doug:  I'm not a bartender Rob.
Rob:  Clearly. 
Doug:  You know, some people might find you to be a tad demanding.
Rob:  You joke
Doug:  Not really. 
Rob:  Well.  When I rise to power those people will be sterilized. 
Doug:  Long live the mayor of Fraser.

INTRO part deux

There's a general misconception that these stories and tales from around the league are made up figments of my imagination.  Not true!  These stories are born from the league and its players.  I may 'enhance' the odd tale, but for the most part they're true and take a lot of back ground work.  So here is a little insight into the build. 

Knowing that we had a game coming up with the Draft Kings, I met with Chuck Cragg after his game last week to see what I could glean. 

Doug:  Hey Chuck, nice win
Chuck:  Thanks, we're on a roll.
Doug:  Ya!  You sure are, how many in a row is that?
Chuck:  Oh, I don't know. 
Doug:  Really?
Chuck:  I don't pay a lot of attention to stats and standings and streaks and stuff.  I just play for the love of the game. 
Doug:  I get it.  I think that 4 in a row now though.
Chuck:  5
Doug:  huh?
Chuck:  We've won 5 in a row
Doug:  I thought you said....
Chuck:  Steff Kapp told me. 
Doug:  Ok, no big deal.  So look Chuck, you guys are hot right now.  I was wondering if you'd mind if I talked to some of your players to find out why they think you're playing particularly well right now.   
Chuck:  Ya of course.  That's no problem, go ahead. 
Doug:  Ok thanks.
Chuck:  But if you want to know why we're winning right now, I can tell you. 
Doug:  Really?  What's been the change do you think?
Chuck:  Its all Stike.
Doug:  Seriously?  That's pretty good of you to lay the improvement all at Stike's feet.  Is he hitting better?  Fielding?  Base running?
Chuck:  No.  Nope, none of that.
Doug:  What then?
Chuck:  Well ever since Stike got his new car, he's been so busy washing and polishing it that he doesn't have time to screw up the batting order anymore after I get it set. 
Doug:  I see. 
Chuck:  Trust me, that's the answer
Doug:  Do you mind if I still talk to the other guys?
Chuck:  Like to corroborate my opinion? Sure, my all means.  I'd like the names of anyone who disagrees with me. 
Doug:  I'll get back to you. 
Chuck:  Don't tell Stike.  He gets kind of sensitive

So....not the Draft Kings were on life support after nine games this season.  They were a fairly unimpressive 3-6 and a minus 34.  Since then they've gone 5-0, captured the Beer Cup and outscored the opposition by 51 runs in those games.  Nice run.  My question to the players a spoke to was simple. 

"To what do you attribute the Draft Kings turnaround this season?"  Here are the answers. 

Bob Vienneau:  "I was busy with work and then vacation early.  But since I've been playing regularly we're not losing.  Its not a coincidence.  We'd probably be winning more if I was batting lead off.  Who has the average + speed + power threat like me?  Lahey?  Mason?  Edwards?  Cudnik?  Clark?  Keogh?  Its a short list."

Cliff Stacey:  "Oh, I don't think I'm on the Draft Kings.  You probably mean Cliff Joseph"

Dave Argue:  "I have to agree with Chuck's assessment."

Cliff Stacey:  "Maybe you're thinking of Cliff Johnson who used to play for the Blue Jays?"

Eric Hipkin:  "Its the defense. The pitching has been damned near perfect since the first game but now the guys are starting to catch the balls where I'm forcing them to be hit."

Cliff Stacey:  "You know what?  You're thinking of Cliff Huxtable from the Cosby Show.  People are confusing us all the time"

Jeremy Westover:  "I'm just happy to be here.  But if you pressed me I'd have to say that the leadership on the team is the difference.  Chuck and Stike let Stef set the defense and that's been the biggest change."

Jerry Muirhead:  Technology is the difference.  You know I have a smart phone now, right?  I've got the hands free adapter so I can bring it out to the field with me.  I can look up stats on the fly so I'm always in the right spot.  I know where Cliff Tucker hits with runners on in the 4th inning at Keogh at 8:15 games.  I can't miss. 

Cliff Stacey:  "Oh, maybe its Cliff Tucker you're thinking of.  I'm definitely not on the Draft Kings."

Shaun Wolfe:  "To be honest the guys are starting to listen to me .... that's the biggest difference.  They call me Duran Duran now because they're starting to emulate my hunger for winning.  They are all starting to play Hungry Like The Wolfe"

Steffan Kapp:  "First off, I do set the defense.  That has helped.  But honestly I think that the guys have gravitated to my sense of calm.  They see my easy, never rush, let your playing do the talking approach and they can't help but fall in line with that."

Cliff Stacey:  "Did you maybe mix me up with Stacey Keach?"

Stephane Simard:  "Je ne savais pas que nous gagnions.  Je n'ai pas vraiment prête pas attention à la partition.  pour moi, c'est une bonne journée si je ne tombe pas vers le bas."

Cliff Stacey:  "Did you mean Fergie?  Stacey Ferguson from the Black Eyed Peas?  I'm not sure, but she might be in the league"

Steve Wynnyk:  "Lasik eye surgery.  Say no more"

Stike:  "The biggest reason we're better is my back has healed up.  It was tough carrying Chuck through the first 9 games, but therapy and counselling has helped a lot!"


And what a game it was. 

The Grisslies broke through in the 1st with three runs from Routledge, Keogh and Chiasson and then set down the Draft Kings with only 4 batters reaching. 

The Grisslies would score one in the second when Dwyer was cashed in by Routledge.  The Kings would match the run when Stike scored on Seph Simards's double in the bottom of the inning.  Stike and Dwyer were the only runs in the second which was kind of a precedent for the game.  Dwyer would end up making 8 of the teams 21 outs on the night at second base for the Grisslies and Stike, also playing second, had the two high-light reel put outs of the evening. 

The third inning saw the Grisslies and Draft kings come up empty.  In the 4th the Grisslie's batting slump continued with the Drafk kings broke through for a couple of runs in the bottom o the inning to pull within a single run.  Chuck Cragg led of with a hit followed by Steve Wynnyk's shot.  Both would score on Stike's hit. 

The Grisslies would count another on Cam Clark's lead off hit in the fifth to drive their total to 5 runs.  The Draft Kings countered with two runs from Jerry Muirhead and Al Bales. 

5 to 5 heading ot he 7th. 

Dwyer lead off triple.  Routledge doubles scoring Dwyer and bringing Cam to the plat

When it was all said and the Grisslies would count 4 on additional runs by Routledge, Clark and Keogh. 

The bottom of the 7th started promising for the Draft Kings with Jermey Westover's lead off double.  But he would ultimately be stranded and the Grisslies would eke out a 9-5 win. 

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