Congratulations to the Dodge City Rounders who are the first winners of the Beer Cup which will presented at the banquet in October. They won it emphatically by trouncing the Blues Brothers in their final game.
Well done!
Well done!
Teams that have held the Beer Cup(7)
- Beer Bros.
- Hot Tub Woody's
- Dislocated Joints (2)
- Dodge City Rounders (2)
- Red Dogs (2)
- Brew Jays
- Blues Brothers
Teams that have defended the Beer Cup(3)
- Dislocated Joints (4)(5)
- Brew Jays (2)
- Dodge City Rounders (2)
Teams that never got to play for the Cup(4)
- Dog Catchers
- Draft Kings
- Rusty Rebels
- Tap Masters
Congratulations are in order:
There's no real statistical category for these things....but they're worth noting in my most humble opinion.
Most hits single game: Lance Horgan 7/7
4 Players with Devil nights 6/6 with 6 runs runs scored: Terry Doucet, Roger Burton, Geoff Keogh, Scott Peters
Longest streak of scoring runs from start of the season: Chuck Cragg, 15 Games
10 Players who successfully reached base in all 24 games: Dave Fleming, Bob McCullough, Kevin Moon, Roger Burton, Terry Doucet, Kevin Hollingshead, Stike (Steve) Black, Gary Basso, Will Goodin, Brad Young.
24 Players who played all 24 games: Al Bales, Dave Fleming, Ingo Bartens, Bob McCullough, Kevin Moon, Roger Burton, Terry Doucet, Brad Young, Kevin Hollingshead, Doris Casullo, Rob Farah, Jerry Muirhead, Steve Black, Brian Richards, Gary Basso, Steve Lahey, Chris Larkin, Tom Ball, Will Goodin, Dan Chiasson, Bob Candy, Paul Gyori, Cliff Tucker, Rob Rumboldt.
Catch of the Year: I'm sure lots of people saw some great plays this year. For me it was Brian Richards on the dead run in the LCF gap diving, completely horizontal, taking away a game winning line drive hit from Winston Gayle.
The Playoff Pool
There are currently 29 entries at $2.00 each. Math isn't great, but it seems right around $58.00. However, there's only $48.00 in the pot! Fortunately, we have excellent record keeping and will collect form Woody, Lou, Danno, Tim & the often imitated but never duplicated, Rickey Bobby. Payout is next Saturday before we leave the park, or first thing Sunday.
The Weather
Poured on Saturday morning. Poured again late Saturday night. Anyone nervous yet?
Well don't be. The forecast looks great for this week. Other than Tuesday, when I play, the weather will be exceptional. Right around 20 during the day and 13 overnight. Tuesday will be close to 30, I'm sweating thinking about it. But better that than rain.
Power Rankings....I haven't put this together weekly this year like I did last year. Actually, I kind of forgot about it. Too bad too, because it actually shows team subtly getting better or worse week over week. If I had more time I'd show you a retroactive summary. Well .... what does this little chart show? Let's take the Draft Kings. They are number one in the league in points, #7 in Offense, #1 in Defense and #1 in +/-. Added together it totals 10....The lowest number in the "Total" column is the best.
You can decide how to read it for yourself. For the last two years only teams in the top 4 have reached the finals. If that happens again this year, I think we're seriously on to something. If not, its just another chart.
I don't know why the Tap Masters are 8, should have been 9. Oh well. The point is that there is a huge cluster between 5 and 10. Good luck finding a leader among those teams. It looks like a crap shoot to me. What this shows me is that the top is REALLY good, the bottom is REALLY bad and there are 9 team s in the middle.
Does it really matter anymore?
Not really, but here we go. Final standings, no matter how you track it; it looks like this.

Playoff Schedule. At the bottom of this edition you will find a link to the "official" schedule. I'm hoping that mine is correct, but please double check. Please double check start times as there has been discussion around that.
Playoff standings. Starting tomorrow night you will see these standings every night in the blog as well as a brief recounting of the games.
A more comprehensive list that we're used to. Congratulation to Scott Barton who held off a late charge by rookie Don Sliptez to win his 3rd consecutive batting title. The league website shows the top 25, this shows the top 40 which not only relates to music, it also shows everyone over the magic .700 mark. Magic? Ya, because I've never been over it. Not for one stinking day.
The 4th quarter of the season have some ridiculous averages. Don Slipetz and Paul Piellusch both had higher averages than anyone else did all season over a one quarter segment. However, Don gets the prize which is the same as last years prize. And that is our congratulations.
Sorry this is small....hopefully you can view it. I usually have the top 10 in hits. Congrats to Brad Young, Terry Doucet and Roger Burton for passing the standard set by Scott Peters last season. I've had to break this into 2 lists, but it is everyone who had 48 hits or more on the year, for a 2 hit per game average. There are a 104 of us who did that.
The Top 40 at bats (really 41) has everyone with over 90 at bats on the season. Congratulation to Terry Doucet, Brady Young, Roger Burton (this is getting old) and Jens Lepa, for passing Jens' mark or 104 from last year.
So there is a chance I'm a little naive. I thought last years standard of 47 runs would last for quite a while. I mean who could possibly average MORE than two runs a game over the course of a season? Ummmm, Doucet, Young, Lahey, Pendlebury and Richards. Holy cow. Congrats to all 16 guys who cracked the 40 run mark.
Another record that I thought wouldn't fall this season. Mason's .798 rookie average is now a memory as Mr. Slipetz laid waste to it by going .817. Nicely done. Congratulations to a fine rookie campaign as 14 of our new additions hit .600 or better.
This is the first year I've kept track of this and I think I'll do it again next year. When you look at the combo of 1st and 2nd year players, the averages are outrageous. Emeil is the new torch bearer for this category by posting a .782 average. However Young, The Beechey, Goodin, Holmann, Lahey, Gayle, and Smith all cracked .700. The list over .600 is 18 guys. Congratulations to you all on a fantastic season.
And the moment you've been waiting for. At least its my favourite part. The most improved average. You find that 67 players in our league improved their average from the previous year. I'm not among them. But you'll find lots of last years Grisslies. A big "way-to-go- to" Lou Conforti who held off a late charge by Dane to show the biggest improvement of a whopping .220 points. If that wasn't enough, Lou also played every position this year except for Left Center Field and Short Stop in addition to shattering Cudnik's record for biggest jump in avg in a single year. Dane Eldridge and Mike Olliffe also saw .200 point improvements. No matter if you improved 220 points or .001 points (Timmy Two Beers), congratulations to you all!
Things you may have missed this week.
For the Playoff Preview - click HERE
For The Beechey Vs. Squirrel Part Deux - click HERE
For the Hurtin' Units BLOG, click HERE
For the League Website, click HERE
For the official Playoff Schedule, click HERE
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