Sunday, August 11, 2013

Stats - Week 15

Hope everyone had fun at the golf tournament.  As usual on golf tournament weekend....the stats come out on Sunday.  To the 37 of you who emailed me looking for the stats on Saturday....well, that's just awesome.  Thanks!

Beer Cup

The Beer Cup had no games this week due to the postponement of the Grisslies Vs. Dislocated Joints game.  It will still be the next Beer cup game played this coming Monday.

Teams that have held the Beer Cup(7)
          • Beer Bros.
          • Hot Tub Woody's
          • Dislocated Joints (2)
          • Dodge City Rounders
          • Red Dogs (2)
          • Brew Jays 
          • Blues Brothers
Teams that have defended the Beer Cup(2)
          • Dislocated Joints (4)(2)
          • Brew Jays (2)
Teams that have yet to play for the Cup(6)
          • Dog Catchers
          • Dusty Cleats
          • Draft Kings
          • Rusty Rebels
          • Tap Masters
A Friday Night Conversation

Rob:  I'm hammered.
Doug:  Its 7pm
Rob:  I didn't work today
Doug:   You work?
Rob:  Yeah.
Doug:   I thought you were retired.
Rob:  Just a rumour.
Doug:   Hey, did you get the note from Down Town Billy Brown?
Rob:  Yep
Doug:   He's coming to the Donini Deck as a special guest before our game Monday.
Rob:  That's awesome!  I haven't seen him since our Championship year.  He had a great playoff run.
Doug:  Who?
Rob:  Down Town Billy Brown
Doug:   He wasn't on our championship team. 
Rob:  Sure he was....has the cute little daughter, hits off field, bit of a wise ass.
Doug:   Bill Sallustio.
Rob:  Nope....I don't think that's it. 
Doug:   Yeah, it is.  Remember, "For Those About To Rock, Bill Sallustio"???
Rob:  Nope. 
Doug:   You are hammered.
Rob:  Told ya.  So who is this Brown guy?
Doug:  Down Town, come on.  He captains the Joints with Doucet!
Rob:  Don't Call Me Terry?
Doug:   No, the other Doucet...."Do Call Me Terry".  Terry Doucet. 
Rob:  So this "Doucet" and "Brown" are co-captains. Like me and Doris
Doug:   Yes, like me and you.
Rob:  Its coming back to me.  Bill, right?
Doug:   YES!  You got it. 
Rob:  He's a pitcher right?  Mean glove at third base too.  I think his kid plays.  Yeah!  Bill.
Doug:   That's Clouthier. 
Rob:  Damn
Doug:  Look, don't worry about it.  You'll see him Monday and you'll remember right away. 
Rob:  Okay. 
Doug:   In the mean time, got any wine?
Rob:  Sure, it is Grisslieland after all.
Doug:   Any special guests tonight?
Rob:  Yes, but in celebration of two cancelled games this week and a record number of phone calls, all Grisslieland guests will be subs tonight.
Doug:   Good call.
Rob:  I thought so....well, you better go so I have room for Pearce, Fleming and Booth.
Doug:   Nice.

And a fine Grisslieland evening it was too!  There were a number of people in and out on the evening but here are some of the regulars;

League Tid-Bits

  • Rusty Rebels - A hearty congrats to our league colleagues who went to the nationals last weekend in Niagara and came home with silver medals!
2013 Rusty Rebels- SPN National Silver Medalists - Back L to R; Anicete Goncalves, Scott Barton, Hugh Armstrong, Roger Burton (Kahuna), Jens Lepa, Rob McCarron, Andy Gee, Don Booth,  Front L to R; Beverly Steeves, Kevin Moon, Bob McCullough, Jamie McClean, Mark S, Cal Steeves.
  • A scary incident took place in Tuesday's game between the Hurtin' Units and Blues Brothers; when Blues Brothers pitcher Dave Argue was hit in the head by a line drive and cut for 6 staples.  Dave had the following quotes about the issue and I swear to god these are from him.  
    • In response to Rob Farah's note offering him his helmet, Dave said, "Does it come with a propeller?".   
    • "I told the Doctor he was a better stapler than Mike Holmes"
    • "I saw the picture of my brain on the screen.  I even had the nurse tell my wife I have a brain so those empty head innuendos might stop".
  • All jokes aside and only well wishes for Dave, however; it might be time for an open conversation on helmets and masks.  It was a frightening moment for everyone.  
  • Our poll this week was regarding Will Goodin's nickname.  It was a close vote, but Will Goodin Hunting stays!

  • The Red Dogs gave up 26 to the Beer Bros. Wednesday marking the 5th game in a row that they've given up 20+ runs.  I'm predicting a shut out for them in game one of the playoffs.  That's the way things tend to roll.
  • Lots of guys had big nights for the Beer Bros. this week, but when Al Bales is 8/9 with 7 runs scored, I think that's the SportsNet Key To Victory.  Nice week Al!  
  • The Dog Catchers have stretched their unbeaten streak to a league high 6 games.
  • The Rebels kept the battle for 1st interesting by knocking off the Draft Kings Thursday.  The idle Gruesome Devils, Brew Jays and Dislocated Joints all gained ground on the yet to be crowned Kings.
  • The list of players who have hit in every game took a beating this week....gone are Doyle, Piellusch, Argue, The Beechey, Casullo, Cragg, Richards (Blaine), Chiovitti, Goncalves and Booth.  We're down to the final 14 spread over 10 are those left.
    • Beer Bros. (1):  Fleming
    • Blues Brothers (2):  Clark, Mason
    • Brew Jays (1): McCullough
    • Dislocated Joints (3):  Moon, Burton, Doucet
    • Dodge City Rounders (1):  Peters
    • Dog Catchers (1):  Young
    • Dusty Cleats (1):  Hollingshead
    • Grisslies (0): 
    • Draft Kings (1):  Stike
    • Gruesome Devils (2):  Richards, Basso
    • Hot Tub Woody's (1):  Goodin
    • Hurtin' Units (0):
    • Red Dogs (0):
    • Rusty Rebels (0):  
    • Tap Masters (0):  


Starting with the league standings...these are the same ones that appear on the league website with the inclusion of the MAX Pts column. That of course identifies the most possible points a team can end up with if they win out.  You will also find this updated on the OCD Standings tab at the top of the page after the Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday night games.  I typically don't do Thursday because it comes out on the weekend anyway.   So you can see from this, that no one is in the position of catching the Draft Kings if they were to win out.  Everyone needs help.  Gruesome for example could claim 1st if they win out and the Draft Kings lose just one. 

Here is my view of the standings. 

This is how the standings looked after everyone played 12 games.  Those in green are currently in a better position than they were after their 1st 12.  Those in red have fallen.  Those in yellow are exactly the same. 

And here is everyone from game 13 forward.  If you're in green, your second half of the season is better that where you sit in the overall standings.  Red is worse and yellow is the same. 

I don't know why this fascinates me.  How many hits does it take for each team to score a single run.  Having played with the Beer Bros. this week, can you ever see the difference!  The Tap Masters went from 2.50 hits per run last week to 2.40 after playing the Grisslies.   The Joints might be under 1.50  by the time they finish with the Grisslies Monday!


Barton moved down .007 points, but still has a .072 lead.  That'll be tough to catch. 

The third quarter of the season is now closed as everyone has played at least 18 games.  And Scott Barton is the winner at .895.  Scott has now won 3 of the 7 quarters that we've tracked. 

Some teams haven't started their 4th quarter but all will be well into it this week.  It of course takes a 1.000 average to get on the list this early in the game. 

The Dislocated Joints have two games this week, so I suspect that by weeks end we'll have a new runs scored record for a season.  Who has the record at the end of the year is anyones guess, but remember that the Gruesome Devils have played one less game.

And Q3 has closed off for runs as well.  Congrats to Scott Peters for setting a new record for runs in a quarter with 18!  Good job!  Nice quarters by Doucet, Richards and Hager.  Usually 15 will get it done when Scotty doesn't get all 'roided up. 

Early in Q4 but Pendlebury is off to the races.  Holmann is the only one on the list to have made it in only one game so he's got himself a bit of a lead. 

The Red Dogs have two games this week as do the Dislocated Joints, so it will likely end with Brad and Terry on Scott's heels.  It will be hard for anyone else to get into the conversation for leading in hits unless they both stumble.  It hasn't happened yet, I wouldn't count on it. 

This is too close to call, but it looks like we'll have a few guys break the 100 mark for the first time in a couple of years. 

It'll be Hayward and Slipetz down to the wire.  I don't have a favourite, they've both had fine rookie campaigns.  Good luck fellas. 

8 Sophomores over .700.  WoW!!!  Emeil might be heard from, but it looks like Will or Brad are more likely to take this category. 

Randy Hipkin's name is spelled right!  Lou Conforti and Al Hayward are the only two players in the league to have improved by .200+ points in average.  And both are playing great defensively too.  Fantastic seasons!  Keep the run going guys. 

Things you may have missed this week.  

For the Grisslies Game 19 BLOG, Making History! - click HERE
For the Hurtin' Units BLOG, click HERE
For the Donini 3 stars, click HERE
For the League Website, click HERE

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