Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Game 21 - Dislocated, so Frustrated, Isolated but not Jaded


What you are about to read may be disturbing to some.  We'll probably not.  In just short of 24 hours through some diligent recruiting and excellent support from captains we've moved from having 3 fun division teams to 5.  Ahhhhh.  My whining is done for now and we can get back to fun.  Each team has 11 players committed to the weekend and one player that is available to them but may have some scheduling issues.  

There is still room to fill out rosters....keep the names coming.  

Play ball!
August Tournament

I'm on my soapbox.  I don't usually bitch and moan here, but I will today. 

The fun division is struggling.  last year we scraped together enough fellas to have six teams.  As of 4pm Monday afternoon, we had enough players to safely make 3 teams.  I'm not great at math, but from where I stand that's roughly a 50% decrease.  This tournament is a fund raiser for our league.  It helps keep our registration costs down and if you talk to people who play in other towns or cities our costs are Fantastic.

And at the risk of being an alarmist we came down to a close vote at an AGM less than 2 years ago that saw us come frightening close to giving this tournament away for nothing. A few people fought hard to keep it and were rewarded last year with a very successful tournament.  However, I don't know that its worth defending or if the passionate voices will stand up if we can't make our own tournament profitable. 

By the way, if this talk makes you uncomfortable, don't complain to your captains or president or vice - presidents or conveners.  No one asks me to bug people about this stuff.  I'm not sure that they'd even support my nagging.  However, they don't have anything to do with the BLOG.  That's one of the reasons I spend so much time on this stuff, so when there's an issue that matters (to me) I have a place of voice my opinion.  So if you're bothered, you can let me know.

I know people have commitments to other teams.  I have no problem with that.  I know people have commitments to family vacations, weddings, holidays or are hurt and need time off.  I have no problem with that either.  I know many people have to work on the weekend and don't have the luxury of scheduling changes for the sake of a ball tournament.  I get it.  I'm not playing the 'guilt' game.  However, after going to games and recruiting last year, after emails, Facebook messages, txts, and seeing communications from conscientious captains to their teams and agenda items at executive meetings month after month, I was STILL approached by a bunch of people last year after the tournament that said they didn't know it.  People who told me they would have played, "had they only known".  Other than the Muirhead's who live off the grid, I don't know how we can communicate more or better.  I'm open to ideas.

The tournament starts in 4 days.  At Monday noon it was desperate....its getting better.  People are responding.  It looks like with a little help we'll be able to put together 5 teams of 11 players.  Below is a list of the folks who have signed up.  Please review it.  If you think you've signed up but don't see your name on the list, let me know.  If you know of someone who wants to play, talk to them.  They can email me at dwyerdouglas@gmail.com or text me 647.238.4445.   If you text give your name so I know who I'm talking to. 

Confirmed Players:  Roger Burton, Steve De Land, Kevin Moon, Scott Mason, Brad Young, Cam Clark, Jens Lepa, Brad Moye, Roman Dasek, Doug Dwyer, James Taylor, Doug De Land, Gary Cox, Cal Steeves, David Polny, Larry Turner, Phil De Land, Rob Farah, Cliff Tucker, Stephane Simard, Piero Del Greco, Rick Lyons, Gord Roberston, Gord Dol, Paul Gyori, Glen Tinkler, Cody Lyons, Brad Smith, Al Bales, Jerry Muirhead, Craig Escott, Cliff Joseph, Darrell Hager, Stef Kapp, Dave Fleming, Tim Schrank, Rob McCarron, Steve Lahey, Brad Wadden, Randy Hipkin, Derryl Gaudet, Phil Glecoff, Chris Parsons, Peter Hayward, Scott Barton, Brian Richards, Steve Porter, Anicete Goncalves, Paul Piellusch, Bob Pearce, Pully, Jamie McClean, Dwayne Comer, Keith Beechey and Dennis Short. (55)

Thank you guys. 

Additionally, some players are waiting on last minute schedules or have conflicts but can commit partially.  I've not included them in rosters and thinking of them more of subs unless they suddenly become free or we have the luxury of extra players.  If they do confirm there will definitely be roster spots for these folks. These players are:  Dan Chiasson, Andy Gee, Mark Kolsen, Bob Smith, and Steve Ross.  Thank you as well. 

The vast majority of people have registered as individuals.  We will spread people evenly over teams and balance them out to be as even as possible.  Once we get there Saturday we want everyone to have a fair and reasonable chance to win and enjoy playing ball. 

Tuesday we'll decide on the schedule.  I'd like to try something different and do a triple elimination tournament.  It'll amount to the same number of games but makes the schedule more random.  Anyway, we'll see.  I'm sure you'll get more updates through the week, and if we find 11 more fellas I'll be less cranky which is jut better for everyone. 


This was from Sunday afternoon, August 11th.  Next game will have a conversation from the Down Town Billy Brown visit. 

Rob:  Whatcha doing?  You seem distracted.
Doug: Sorry dude.  I'm just trying to work on some BLOG ideas.  Not fully formed thoughts yet, just pieces wandering through my head at this point. 
Rob:  Oh?  I didn't realize that you were still doing that. I mean, does anyone even look at that CLOG thing?
Doug:  You do that to hurt my feelings don't you?
Rob:  hahahahahahaha
Doug:  What's so funny?
Rob:  As if you have have feelings.  hahahahaha
Doug:  Nice. 
Rob:  Feeling maybe.  But feelingS?
Doug:  I get it.  Enough.
Rob:  That's like saying Randy Rose is a singles hitter. 
Doug:  Yeah...fine. 
Rob:  Like Gary Cox is quiet. 
Doug:  Funny.
Rob:  Like Dave Fleming hates subbing.
Doug:  Is this going to go on much longer?
Rob:  No.  I'm done.
Doug: Okay, good.
Rob:  Like Hugh Armstrong reads the Hurtin' Units blog.
Doug:  ROB!
Rob:  Okay, okay, okay .... no more. 
Doug:  Lets play a game, I'll ask you questions and you answer...one name or one word only. 
Rob:  Okay.
Doug:  Fastest runner in the league?
Rob:  Me.
Doug:  Can we do this seriously please.
Rob:  I am being serious.  Home to 1st base I'm fastest in the league.
Doug:  God.  Fine. Fastest runner in the league Home to 3rd. 
Rob:  Winston.
Doug:  Better.
Rob:  Then me, then Neil. 
Doug:  [head shaking]  Best arm in the league?
Rob:  Me.
Doug:  Is every question going to be like this?
Rob:  Just the ones I answer honestly.
Doug:  You don't have the best arm in the league.
Rob:  Really?
Doug: Really
Rob:  Well...by my math there is an average of 2.2 pitches per at bat. 
Doug: Your math, eh?
Rob: Yeah.  2.2 pitches per at bat and we've given up the most runs in the league and therefore I've faced the most batter and therefore I've thrown more than anyone else in the league and therefore I have the best arm.  At least its the most resilient.   
Doug: A Hat Trick of "therefores" eh?
Rob:  My name isn't Patrick. 
Doug:  Hat Trick.
Rob:  Not my name either. 
Doug:  Okay, forget it, this game isn't fun anymore. 
Rob:  Fine, let me ask you a question.
Doug:  Shoot. 
Rob:  Who's cooler me or you?
Doug:  Me.
Rob:  And this is why you suck at games. 

The Speech

I don't think Rob's Michael Jackson feedback was terribly good.  He seems to have gone back to the folksy kind of stylings this week.  Here is Robs version of Neil Young's Heart of Gold.  Not too bad.  its a little sad sounding though....Rob is really searching hard for a win here.  Most of the team cried when they heard him sing it.  Music can be found by clicking =====> HERE


I'm not obsessive,
I'm not compulsive,
I've been a player.
With a glove of gold.
My exasperation
I never give up
That keep me searching
with my glove of gold
And I'm getting old.
Keeps me searching
with my glove of gold
And I'm getting old.

I've been to Alliston
I've been to Beeton
I crossed the Boulevard
With my glove of gold
I've been in my mind,
it's such a fine line
That keeps me searching
with my glove of gold
And I'm getting old.
Keeps me searching
with my glove of gold
And I'm getting old.

Keep me searching
with my glove of gold
You keep me searching
with my glove of gold
And I'm growing old.
I've been a miner
for a heart of gold

The Game

Just 3 games left.

7 losses in a row since our last tie.  10 games without getting a win.  The last time the Grisslies won a game was June 25th.  We were Zero for July.  And with 3 games left, getting dangerously close to Zero for August.

This is epic.  Another team.  A more fragile team would have their psyche destroyed by this prolonged losing.  Not us.  We're either supremely ignorant or stupid.  Not sure which yet.  Perhaps both. 

The last time we won the Draft Kings were in 4th place.  Barton, Hjelholt, Sallustio, Doucet and Dickson were all hitting over .800, Brad Young was the #1 hitting Sophomore hitter, and the top rookie hitter was Kevin Clouthier.  Now The Draft Kings are in 1st place, Barton is the only guy left over .800, Will Goodin Hunting is the top Sophomore and Peter Hayward is the #1 hitting Rookie.    Some things change.

The Grisslies remain eerily the same. 

The game got off to an outstanding start as the Grisslies took a commanding 1-0 lead after the 1st half inning. The Joints would respond with 4 extremely controversial runs.  It was clear that the bat they were using was hot.  We let it go.  We're good sports.

They scored 5 more in the 2nd.

5 in the 4th.

5 in the 5th.

Our reliever held them to 4 in the 6th.

Some interesting points of interest in this one.  Kahuna and Doucet were both 6/6 with 6 runs scored.  The Joints hit 17 home runs.  The score sheet says 3, but it felt like a lot more.  Jason Jennings was the only Joint not to score a run.  However he managed to go 6/6 on the night. 

Nice game for the Joints.  Despite all their cheating they were tooth and nail to hang on for close and hard fought 30-15 win. 


Click here for the 3 stars
Click here for the Grisslie record and schedule


Anonymous said...

When are you going to post the teams already!!

Doug Dwyer said...

Rosters and schedules will be posted tonight. Stay tuned (yes, this is live blogging from my game)

Anonymous said...

I cant believe your clogging while we are playing a game.
Did I mention that I played for a winning team tonight!!!!!