Monday, September 13, 2010

GAME 25 - Before You Play The Cleats


So, I decided to have a little fun with poll and have some humour with some of the perenial "nice guys". The problem was that I could have had 50 or more guys on the list, so paring it down was a bit of an issue. This one, much like the last one had tons of participants! "I SPEND A LOT OF TIME TALKING ABOUT HOW GREAT EVERYONE IN THE LEAGUE IS, THIS POLL IS TO PICK THE MOST MEAN SPIRITED, ORNERY, DISAGREEABLE PERSON IN THE LEAGUE!"

Peter Shmagola          32%    (The nastiest pirate on the 7 seas!)
Kim Peterson             12%    (Trash talker extrordinaire!)
Cliff Stacey                 16%   (Fishes for piranah by hand!)
Piero Del Greco          20%   (Mafioso cleanup hitter!)
Rob McCarron           44%   (Dirty socks; dirty player!)
Chris Larkin                16%   (Even Leroy Brown is scared of him!)
Mike Olliffe                 20%   (Has an of-ford you can't refuse!)


As much as I (I mean) “WE” have fun with the whole BLOG thing, it really comes down to serving a dual purpose. For me, if it wasn’t a completely obvious by this point, the purpose is to channel my own comedic needs plus my need to rant. Remember, I was married, so my lack of quality humour has been well re-inforced! Yes, I'm joking, for God sakes people!


But still, sometimes things pop into my head, as I’m sure happens to most people, that aren’t exactly "movie funny" and aren’t even "TV show" funny and don't really even measure up as "stand up comedy act funny"; but they're funny to me as a stand alone item for that brief moment in time.

That’s the ‘me’ part.

Then there is the other part that is quite simply just my hope. My hope is that people will backhandedly, or right squarely between the eyes get some kind of motivation from this space. I don’t mean motivation like those who inspired greatness in others. You know, the John F. Kennedy's, the Martin Luther King's, Gandhi's, Snoop Dogg's, the Hugh Armstrong's, you know ... the REAL motivators. No, I’m referring to the motivation one finds to step out of their comfort zone and just try to do something that is a little different, something that’s a little left of centre.

For example, the Grisslies tied the Dog Catchers a couple of weeks ago in a game that was a tad controvertial. So, we can focus on the "controversy" or focus on the "tie". Guess which one I chose?

Lets celebrate the tie!

Simon Smith's new tie...Groovy
baby!!! (Simon is an International man of
mystery as well)

This is obviously Brett's tie...because its
got balls. Baseballs that is!

And of course this is "The Batman's" tie. I can't
believe I've gone the whole season
talking about this guy like its a real

I don't know how many people will get this
one, but its Dave Argue's party tie. Don't worry
about it, you have to be a little binary to get
this one.

Mike Olliff's tie, provided it doesn't rain!!

Cats are stupid animals. People that
like cats kinda scare me. Except Sue. I wouldn't
take a shot at anyone by saying this is their tie.
that's too mean. Oh, never mind, I think
Danny mention he saw Robin Dickson
with a tie just like this.

This Clever tie is owned by The Man, The Myth,
The Legend, Peter Shmagola!

Not to be out done, Steve Black just bought this
new necktie for the banquet.

And the Grisslies rookie Greg Tracey
is well known to have a keen eye for clever ties

Just like The Tito, The Fonz was also born cool.

Sorry James, when I saw this tie I knew that it
could only really belong to one person. The Keebler's
want it back soon by the way!

Yeah...Doris can be a bit of hot dog sometimes. But he
won this at the Conney Island "EAT OFF"

I don't play hockey (it reminds me of cats for some
reason) but I hear that this is Mark Doyle's tie

Clearly Ingofische's tie. No bones about it!

A very patriotic Jeff Shulze classic.

I thought this might have been Calyton Campbell's
tie (was going with the hair), but that didn't really
work out. However I kept it in here because it looks like
Jesus is just about to catch a football. Doesn't it?
Seriously, can you just imagine the announcer? "Favre
to Jesus and Jesus makes a miraculous catch
and scores! Yes, Jesus, Yes!!! Jesus, Jesus just
nailed that!!!"

Ahhh...the dirty martini tie...Its mine...all mine!

A medical tie complete with injuries and tools.
Normally this would be a gimme for Doris, but I think
this year it would be more appropriate for Denis
Short! We have a game we play on the Grisslies
this year called, "guess what Denis will have
bandaged this week?"

Danny Chiasson wrestled this one away from
Down Town Billy Brown. Poor DTBB!

Steve DeLand bought this one to support the
Mohawk twins! Nice job daddio!

I like this tie of John Harrett's, it cool,
it tells a story AND it keeps accurate records!

This is Rob Farah's tie. You can tell its Robs and not Andy
Gee's, because the pitcher has gotten himself into
a perfect fielding position after releasing the ball. Wait,
maybe it is Andy's

Everyone remembers that Kevin Boston went
to wizard school. This is the Gryfindor tie that he
sports for Sunday church service (yes wizards go to church).
However, I've discovered that he was actually in Slytherin
house and has been faking the whole Gryfindor thing.

Piero. Classy baby, classy.

Timmy "two beer" is all about speed.
(thats a Speedy Gonzales tie in case you
can't see the picture) ANDRE,

A little something Pully likes to wear on
the 1st day of school.


Rob struggled with this one. Like every team in the league, the Dusty Cleats are full of friends. But there is the added dimension of the Cleats being full of neighbours as well. It was funny at the beginning of the year with the bravado and the cat-calls, but at this point (3-21) it just seems mean.
So type-A Rob took matters into his own hands and give the Dusty Cleats this 'season send off' song which also works as a warning to other teams and good luck message to the Cleats for the playoffs. This is to the tune of Carrie Underwood's, "Before He Cheats" and has been renamed to "Respect The Cleats". Click the song title to hear the music.

Right now they're probably all laughing under an old desk lamp,
and the playoff matches are all kooky ....
Right now, they're probably getting matched up with a soft little team that can't shoot whiskey...
Right now, they're probably all thinking, playing against the Cleats is gonna be so easy...
But they don't know...

That the key is; Bob Pearse ain't so pretty that he's afraid to slide,
Better be ready when you play the Cleats!
They hit their Louisville sluggers way out of sight,
Tessier is still on fire...
Maybe next time there'll be some respect for the cleats.

Right now, they're rubbing their hands
Thinking getting the Cleats wouldn't be so Dusty.
right now, Their probably saying "I'm drunk"
We got Pully's team and that means we're gonna get lucky,
Right now, their probably dabbing on 3 dollars worth of that little league pine tar...
But they don't know...

That the key is; Scott Peters ain't so pretty that he's afraid to dive,
Better get ready when you play the Cleats!
They hit their Louisville sluggers way out of sight,
Legault's a gun, not for hire....
Maybe next time there'll be some respect for the cleats.

I might've saved a little trouble for the next team,
Cause the next time you play the cleats...
Oh, you know it won't be easy!
No...won't be easy

'Cause the key is; Hargreaves and Dane are too smart to not survive,
Better get ready when you play the Cleats!
They hit their Lousville sluggers way out of sight,
McCarron has a swing you have to admire...
Maybe next time there'll be some respect for the cleats.


The Game was.....somewhat hard to describe.

The final score was 13-4 for the Grisslies but it didn't really feel like a game that was that easy. Yes, we played pretty good defense and made very few errors in the field, but it didn't feel like we really got anything off of Pully.

In all honesty we probably hit about 5 balls hard. Probably 3 of them by Radar and the rest of us kind of just fluked out hits. Not that I'm complaining, the lucky ones count!

I think we were the cleats for the first half of the season. Rob and would talk after games and it seemed that we were losing games on little bleeders or flares that managed to get through and fall in. It can be really frustrating.

But thats what makes the Cleats a different team. We were talking about it on the bench and what made this game so enjoyable was the Cleats themselves. It wasn't that they didn't try hard or weren't good enough. It was that they didn't let the goofy things that happened around them get them down.

I've played 2 or 3 games for the Cleats this year and 3 against them. If they made it to Sunday I would not be at all surprised.

And for the Grissles. When we were 5-11 and and set the goal of finishing the season 6-4 it seemed improbable at the time to ask a team playing .313 ball to suddenly play at a .600 clip. Well, accomplished the goal and more. with one game to go we are playing .667 ball going 6-2-1. Mission completed!

Wednesday will go down in Tottenham Oldtimers lore as the Pieman game.



Sorry for the formatting...something whacky is going on with the blog site tonight.

Anonymous said...

Way to go Grisslies! 6-2-1 in the last nine. You've found your MoJo

Doug Dwyer said...

Just in case anyone is paying attention to the daily standings posted in the "news & notes" section.
1. There was an error in what I posted last night. I had a tie game between the Dog Catchers and The Wild. The game is actually being replayed tonight. The standings are now correct with that tie removed.
2. The last column indicates how high or low a team could potentially finish, but its only numerical. It doesn't account for tie breakers. Not yet anyway.
3. Also with the last column, if there is only one number, then that spot is assured. Right now, only 1st, 2nd and 14th are locked down.