Little Intro
Wow! I honestly can't believe that there has been 50 editions of this thing. So how about a little BLOG history and some of my favourite moments before we actually acknowledge that there as a game yesterday.
I've always enjoyed writing although I do have a propensity to have my brain get ahead my fingers and miss words or screw up grammar and punctuation. Also "past", "present" and "future" tenses tend to intermingle throughout what I write. But you don't have to do something well to enjoy it.
So I wrote a story on July 24th of 2009 that about the epic battle between the Wild and the Grisslies and emailed it to Rob Farah. It was really meant to go no further than that. He read it out loud to Rob McCarron, Tito, Doris, Sue, Peggy and Patti at "Friday night at the Farah's". Most everyone had a good laugh! Rob said that he was going to send it to the rest of the team. So I got to thinking (I do that twice a year whether I need it or not (the thinking I mean)), maybe I should post it somewhere so everyone can read it rather than relying on forwarding emails.
And thus, the BLOG was born.
Well, enjoy this weeks edition. Me thinks that edition 51 will likely come sooner than anticipated!!!
My Favourite BLOG moments
- Overheard in the players lounge (the Legion) last week, the Wild were described as having “million dollar arms and 5 cent heads”. (BLOG1)
- The Grisslies seemed to be impacted by the loss of Clifford “wheels” Stacey. Rarely has a player had such an impact on the makeup of a team. “It was weird not needing anyone to translate on the bench” said Steve Wynnyk. Rob Farah had this to say, “it was the strangest thing….every time I pitched the ball, it came RIGHT back into my glove!” Yes, Cliff was sorely missed. (BLOG2)
- As everyone started to come back to consciousness, Tito was standing in the middle of the crowd eyes glowing, arm outstretched, index finger pointing squarely at my chest. With a booming voice similar to Darth Vader but with an Italian accent, I heard the words that put fear into every baseball player's heart, "the next time I play you, I will strike you out". (BLOG3)
- Even Ingo Bartens didn't do his normal post game back flip, into a front hand spring, followed by a hands free cartwheel, ending with a back round off. You know that when Ingo doesn't do gymnastics, that the team is taking things hard. (BLOG4)
- For those of you who called the weather office last night reporting the Lunar eclipse, please review the following statement from environment Canada: "The eclipse reported in Tottenham on September 7th seems to have been a localized non-weather phenomena generated by the pitcher on Tito's team." (BLOG5)
- Robhemian Rhapsody (BLOG6)
- As Rob likes to say, "I can hold the Lotus pose for days at a time, that's why I'm the captain". He also likes to talk about how he invented tin foil, so you have to decipher the philosophy from the hyperbole (BLOG7)
- The batting details will come out shortly, but Jamie McClean hit a little hump back liner to Brooks that Steve juggled all the way to the Legion parking lot (where he had his Whitney Houston CDs alphabetized in the car (BLOG8)
- Tito once brought a still born lamb back to life by simply laying his hands on it. After an amazed crowd gathered he gave the lamb a round house kick and killed it. Sometimes the crowd needs to be reminded that Tito can giveth and Tito can taketh away (BLOG9)
- So, I SHOULD be 10/11, hitting .909 in that stretch if only I was a little more Tin Man and a little less Scarecrow (you'll have to work that metaphor out yourself) (BLOG10)
- We had our weekly STELLAR defensive play by Billy O'Reflex at third base. Clouthier snuffed out a potential seventh inning rally by snaring a wicked shot. (BLOG11)
- Joe Theisman: "Nobody in football should be called a genius. A genius is a guy like Norman Einstein". (BLOG 12)
- George Costanza thinks that you are all FAR too kind; however, not kind enough to make me stop referring to myself in the third person. George digs that. (BLOG13)
- So predictions and lists aside, last night was the kick-off of the 2009 playoffs and it had everything! It had low scoring games, dramatic comebacks, home runs, good defense and bench clearing brawls. Ok, kidding about the brawls (BLOG14)
- This was a strange one. Strange in that Recycled headed into Saturday at 3-0 and lost a (seemingly) meaningless game 8-3 to torn ligaments. (BLOG15)
- The Rusty Rebels had beaten the Grisslies twice this season by scores of 19-1 and 9-6. Outscoring the Grisslies by total of 28-7; it gave the Rebels every legitimate reason to be confident. However, the Grisslies offence was just enough in this game plating 8 runs and the defense and pitching was stellar giving up only 5. This was one game where the season trend was not a factor. Grisslies move on 8-5 (BLOG16)
- The Wild were like the Bronx Bombers. So many guys on the team have the ability to pound the ball. They were the leagues dominant team in the first half and were steady in the second half and; finished 1st overall. They had 3 guys in the top 10 and were the most aggressive base running team in the league (BLOG17)
- There were plenty of offensive and defensive highlights to go around. However, the three loudest moments were a) Ed Vonda’s home run b) the final out c) When The Wild were battling back in the middle innings and Piero delivered a critical line drive passed second base that scored 2 runs and was major component in the game. (BLOG18)
- Mark Doyle: Officially I’m only bilingual. I’m well versed in English and French, but I know enough Russian to get by. In fact I’m good with most Slavic languages. You know, Bulgarian, Serbian, Ukrainian, Polish. You know what they say in Russian, “Имейте хорошую игру” (BLOG19)
- Danny Chiasson: "Not really one specific movie, but pretty much anything with Meg Ryan. She had a small part in Top Gun. Of course When Harry Met Sally and Joe And The Volcano are classics! Sleepless In Seattle and French Kiss are probably in everyone’s top ten list, right? Not many people know this, but did you know that she did two episodes of Charles In Charge way back when? I still have those on Beta" (BLOG20)
- It would appear that my days of flying under the radar (not that radar) are over. Honestly, last night I walked into the “club house” and guys actually stopped talking out of fear that I would repeat stuff! I mean, seriously, have I ever actually sold someone out? Have I ever actually written anything that embarrassed someone? Not counting Tito (BLOG21)
- Starting catcher Piero Del Greco was asked how he felt about Michelle Farah's possible departure, and responded by pelting this reporter with wrapped up sandwiches and deviled eggs that he was saving for a middle inning snack. "Everyone thinks they can play practical jokes on me," he exclaimed. "Here, do you want another sandwich?" (BLOG22)
- And then there is Wayne “boom boom” Caldwell. I’m pretty sure he was 22/22 last night with 74 total bases. There should be rules about him getting to hit 4th, 8th and 12th in their lineup. If you go up to Coventry tonight the outfield fence is will still probably be vibrating from the number of times he hit it. (BLOG23)
- Without looking up from his search, Radar says, “Because I’m Australian. Actually, to be honest, I only that found out recently. When I was a kid my mom told me that we were Australian, but I somehow got that mixed up with ‘Austrian’ and I spent most of grade school talking like Arnold Schwarzenegger” (BLOG24)
- It was like I was holding the Holy Grail. Well, if the Holy Grail was made of the most supple, padded, comfortable, form fitting calves leather known to man. Another man may have begrudged a calf being used for this artistry. I, on the other hand, thanked God for making cows that in turn made thousands of generations of calves until the perfect one was born to make THIS glove (BLOG25)
- It’s the usual baseball conversation that eventually morphs into another session of Mark’s fun facts. Things like, “only one person has ever captained two different teams to a Stanley cup and his name was Mark”, “the average human head weighs 8 pounds”, “the DNA of a panda bear is more closely related to a raccoon than an actual bear”, “sleeping naked is a good way to lose weight”, you know, Mark stuff (BLOG26)
- Its easy to be proud of this team on rookie night! Oh, yes it was rookie night. Greg and Tim were great sports! Although there was no lipstick, we did have a wig and a pair of pink sunglasses! (BLOG27)
- Of note, Randy Hipkin pitched a great game and Neil Pendlebury was his usual vacuum self in the outfield. Murray Saunders hit well and all of the Dog Catchers lamented Jim Rouleau not being there. Randy was seen toasting Jim later in the club house saying, "I didn't think we could pull it off without our Heart and Soul, but we made it through". Its great to have the support of your team mates!!! (BLOG28)
- Who do you admire most in the league Tottenham Oldtimers League? GREG: Obviously, The Man, The Myth, The Legend, Pete Shmagola (BLOG29)
- was an awe inspiring come from behind win that left the team elated! The only down part of the evening was potential MVP Cal Steeves pulled groin. It looks like the Grisslies could be without Cal for some time as he was in an awful lot of pain. Hopefully the rub down from Piero will help (BLOG30)
- Its not that Cal's is intense, its that he's bloody deep. I guess that's where he got the nickname Yoda. Well, that and the height. Another thing about Cal is that he's funny. (BLOG31)
- While this is a very real feel-good community endeavour, the participants give willingly of their time and money knowing full well that they will never know the beneficiaries of the program (BLOG32)
- Chuck's great grand father had a "cup of coffee" with the Philadelphia A's in 1907, getting into 1 game and pitching 1 2/3 innings, giving up 3 runs and hitting 2 batters. He subsequently stormed out of an anger management session and was never seen again (BLOG33)
- However, after days and day of intense labour he just couldn't find anything to rhyme with "na-na-na-na-na-na-na-na, na-na-na-na-na-na-na-na, na-na-na-na-na-na-na-na, Batman!" (BLOG34)
- Well, before our game Saturday morning at C3, there was meract; Tai-Chi guy facing the rising sun and doing some for form of funky Bee-Gees tai-chi meditation. I wish I had better words to describe it, but I’m going to just go with “wrong”. (BLOG35)
- I have no difficulty in saying that I completely resent Paul’s hair. Oh, and it’s just not thickness and texture that has all the women swooning. No, It’s also the colour, you know the mostly pepper with just a hint of salt. Chicks dig that. (BLOG36)
- And I mean thousands of years heritage, a throwback to a nomadic age when people had to fight for survival against the Vikings and Norse to get their share of good eats from the North Sea. (BLOG37)
- It seems that most everyone in town is from somewhere else. That makes Tottenham a lot like Vegas, except for the nightlife, weather, gambling, shows, Elvis impersonators and movies made about it. Otherwise, though; eerily similar! (BLOG38)
- So Rob got up and called Clayton Campbell and traded Jim Mannell for Tim Osmond. After an exceptionally busy day, we’ve greatly improved our team speed, acquired 10 slightly scuffed balls, two blank line up sheets and a rain coat. That’s why we’re captains. Go Grisslies!! (BLOG39)
- Sadly, Lucky was run over by a car and killed running across the street. With Lucky dead, the deal was off, so Brett beat the hell out of the kid across the street (BLOG40)
- Being a former Grisslie, interim Captain Rob McCarron, understands the value of a good pregame speech. And while a good one wasn't available, he hastily threw this one together. Click on the song name to hear the musical stylings of the Go-Go's hit, "We Got The Beat". By the way, Robbie has a lovely voice! (BLOG41)
- “Piero, it’s called ‘corn on the cob’ it’s like you’re orally dyslexic.” Piero’s response? “No, I don’t throw up after I eat”. (BLOG42)
- “A team’s 5th win of the year is commonly referred to as rookie pizza night“. Tim. Gregg. We’re hungry AND we have a double header next week! (BLOG43)
- Rob Farah: "I'm sorry, I can't hear you over how awesome I look in my disco pants, plus the Farrah Fawcett poster is whispering something in my ear. Did you say something about a lefty at short stop? As if!" (BLOG44)
- However, the lead was short lived as the Rebels came back on the strength of Hughie Armstrong's incessant chatter. I think at one point Mark Kolson needed medical attention because his ears were bleeding for the litany of one liners coming from Hugh. But maybe that's just me being bitter. (BLOG45)
- Dave's answer would not be found in the North. So Dave continued his search by heading East. Not Shag Harbour East; but India East! Dave had heard stories of transcendental mediation offered by Guru Arun Randiv Kumar Sangakkara. (GARKS) (BLOG46)
- Well, you always remember your first, but I’ll admit I was a little lucky with that one. I would have to say the 5th one was my most complete season. That was back when the league only had 20 teams, can you imagine that? Let’s see, in 38 games I was 185/192 (.964) which had me 123 point ahead of Farah who finished second (BLOG47)
- Actually, I know that it’ll never happen, because tall people are so used to having everything given to them that they’ll never actually get around to putting a roster together on their own. (BLOG48)
- Bob Vaughan – “Nolan” A) Bob is pitcher (and a good one in my humble opinion) hence the Nolan Ryan reference. Not funny, but baseballish. B) I struck out Bob last year in a game under some major extenuating circumstances. Despite that he was kind enough to sign the ball (I’m not joking) and he wrote “Nolan Ryan would be proud". I still have it. (BLOG49)
- Well, Gary (much like Hugh Armstrong) can take over a game with his mouth! Before anyone thinks I'm being a jerk here, because I'm totally capable of that, I love the fact that Gary (and Hugh) have pretty much unrestrained humour on the field. (BLOG50)
Cracks me up every time. Can't you just
see Rob Farah doing this pose? In those pants?
If the story is good the picture doesn't
need to be bang on...but this one
of "Chuck Cragg" break dancing was a winner
I thought the Starsky vs. Paul Piellusch
thing would have more legs. Maybe he was wise to get
that recent haircut. But, I'm not giving up yet!
Didn't everyone know a 'dorky' couple like this
somewhere along the line? I think I downloaded this
one last year and had been looking for a place
to use it.
Funny 'cause its real! This planet is a mess!!
LOL, If you know Piero at all, its SOOO
easy to picture this happening!
Ahhh....I could do a whole BLOG on this
pic. Yeahhhhh boyeeeee!
Yes, these are real. The trophies were given
out and drank from last week. Every team has
their own unique lame traditions and we aim
to be lamer than most!!!

Poor Piero...Another pic I had for
long time and was looking for place
to use it. Fortunately the hairiest man alive
was on our team this year!

Yeah, no one knows this kid...but it still makes
me laugh. Its the expression that kills it!
Mostly here because it grosses out Mark Doyle. Part
of an ill conceived separated at birth BLOG.
I may have to revisit this one day now
that people understand how warped I am!
Cliff Stacey's 'hand held' phone. Another guy
who's taken more than his fair share of abuse!
Thank god this league is filled with people
that can take a joke!!!
Some pics are real hits. I've been asked by a
few people whether this was "real"
picture of Rob. Its Frank Zappa for the record, but
IT IS kinda eerie, ain't it?
Home town of Piero Del Greco. I do love
it when things fall into place.
The seminal moment of the 2009 season. I didn't think
it would necessarily be "fun" to watch another team
win. Particularly a team that eliminated us in the semi
finals. I was wrong!!! (You can see Andy Gee in the back row
far right...he's very unhappy!!)
The Latest Poll
Roger "The Big Kahuna" Burton 37% (a bit of a surprise for the guy in 1st place)
Robin "Tricky Dicky" Dickson 56% (and he claims not to read the BLOG)
Steve "Back in" Black 6% (no AC/DC fans out there?)
Geoff "Its My Park" Keogh 6% (well, I voted for you Geoff!)
"Slammin" Sammy Caradonna 25% (stung a bit by a soft week)
Oh, And There Was A Game Last Night!
So I've been telling anyone that will listen that the Dog Catchers scare me. Yes, every team has a number of good players, but the sum of the parts of this team seem to be more than their record. I'm thinking that something is a little off here. I've subbed for them and against them and they just seem loaded! Not that kind of loaded.....I mean more like 'really good' loaded!
I go down their roster and I can't figure out who's the eight through twelve players! They all seem seven and above to me and in recent games they've been playing more like 4 and above. After starting the season 1-7 (their only win was against the Grisslies, sigh) they've gone a more than respectable 8-5.
Actually, check that last statement. 8-5 is way better than just "more than respectable." There is only one team in the league with more wins than the Dog Catchers in their last 13 games and that's the Hurtin' Units. And for the record, the Units have nine wins in that stretch so its not like they've been ridiculously ahead of them. Not only that, its not like the Dog Catchers wins have come against the "Sisters of the Poor". They've beat the Hurtin' Units, The Banshees, The Rusty Rebels and The Dislocated Joints during their hot streak. All are teams that are currently ahead of them in the standings.
So there you have it. They're good and they scare me.
Add to that, the fact that the Grisslies were missing their leader in OBA, Greg Tracey, and it just added to my concern.
Whats missing in this analysis of the Dog Catchers is the Gary Cox factor. I'm sure you've heard it said about players that "he can take over a game with his legs", "he can take over a game with his glove" or "he can take over a game with his bat". Well, Gary (much like Hugh Armstrong) can take over a game with his mouth! Before anyone thinks I'm being a jerk here, because I'm totally capable of that, I love the fact that Gary (and Hugh) have pretty much unrestrained humour on the field. Plus, everyone, even their own teams are potential victims to their wise cracks. Actually, I think I'll save this thread for a future BLOG, but I'm completely serious that Gary can take over a game with his mouth. You can easily lose track of outs or be distracted on the bases with the chatter. (See this weeks poll).
So after ALL OF THAT preamble....WE TIED THE DOG CATCHERS!!!
The final score was 13-13 and there were lots of heroes in the game on both sides. A tie is way better than losing but way worse than winning. But when you've got 8 wins on the season I have to say that the tie feld pretty damned good. Particularly when it was preserved by having a shutout bottom of the seventh inning.
The Grisslies are 4-2-1 in our last 7 games. The Banshees, Dusty Cleats and Torn Ligaments remain on the dance card!
This is probably plenty long enough and I probably lost Paul Piellusch long ago. Check with the 3 stars and other pages to round out info on the game.....
Thanks for hanging in for 50 BLOGs!!!
Congrats Doug. You have made the Grisslies and TOT League famous thoughout the world.I am very proud to have you as a teammate and Co-Captain.
Keep IT Going
Thanks Robbie! Kind words my friend, you really should be playing ShortStop!
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