I don't know if anyone saw the movie Rounders.
Rounders is an Irish game played between two teams each alternating between batting and fielding. The game has been around since the Tudor times, with the earliest reference being in 1745 in book unbelievably titled "A Little Pretty Pocket-Book" where Rounders is referred to as "baseball". Yes, baseball in 1745! About 100 years before there is any record of it being played the Americas. Thirty years before America was even a country!
Now, the movie Rounders has nothing to do with this. But I still like the story.
The movie Rounders is actually about Poker and stars Matt Damon and Edward Norton. The opening line of the movie is this: "Listen, here's the thing. If you can't spot the sucker in the first half hour at the table, then you ARE the sucker".
So lets be honest, who hasn't thought they've had this games figured out only to find out, maybe a little to late that the joke was on them. I've been on both sides of that equation several times just this week.
What I like to do when things start to get too complicated is just make fun of people. I've been paying a little bit more attention to license plates since I noticed the BATMAN one a couple of weeks ago so I thought I'd share a few others I saw week.
Obviously belongs to our ego maniac rookie
Timmy "two beer" Osmond. I'm not sure why he
has the handicap tag...but some people will
do anything for a good parking spot. Even those with
blinding speed!
I wasn't sure who was driving this one, but when
I got beside the car and looked in and saw none other than
Jimmy "The Hunter". I`ve never seen `wine`without an
`H`in it.
The day Rob Hayward says to back off on the whole
"nerd" thing will be the last day you hear me
mention it. He's big. Until then, this is his
Pieman, Piero, MVP, Paparazzi Club Boy,
and now....MAFIA hit man.
Anyone who said this was Gary Cox is just mean
spirited. Just because he pulled my car seats up
(to his range) and flipped my wiper blades over is
no reason to make assumptions on a license plate
like this. Sometimes people disappoint me.
If you every legged out a triple and are standing
on third base gasping for breath and look up to see
that Ingofische is coaching 3rd with a smile on his
face, you'll understand the license plate
Obviously Robbie Farah. Apparently they were
out of "S"s so he had to go with the "Z"s
Mike Olliffe. He's pretty arrogant.
James Taylor. One thing you gotta say for Jimmer is that
he's prepared. He bought this so he'd have it
when he needs it in 20 years. (maybe 30 years)
Down Town Billy Brown
David Polny. He's so mellow that he got a
license to match. Good Call!
I have it on good authority from the Farah women that
Tim Sulivan has this plate and will actually answer to
``Assman`` if you accompany it with a whistle!
Again, this might be standard issue in the league!
Obviously this is Paul Gyori`s. That's a joke...there can
only be one `Big Kahuna!` Now, if there was only
a "little Kahuna!"
Andy Gee got this one after striking out 3
consecutive pitchers on 3 pitches.
Not to be outdone, Jerry Wallace had to notch
his K`s too!
Someone needs to break to Steve (Stike) Black that Star
Wars was actually fiction
It took me awhile to figure out that this was Rob
Mccarron`s new ride!
And Sandy Bell finally had enough of Andy
and Jerry`s antics
Kevin Boston has never really been known to be
a big Yankees fan.
Cal. You just gotta love Cal Steeves.
My apologies to the Dodge City Rounders who I subbed for last night. I didn't pick the best time for my worst game of the year. I'm sure there are captains out there (James, Mike, Bo, Roddy, Randy, Larry, Jeff, Ed, Bob, Mike) thinking, "really? I thought he already played his worst game with us!" Well, not so much. Zero for four. It might be my first o'fer in the league. Yuck. I made up for it though by throwing a potential double play ball into right field - that felt like a great contribution. Actually to be completely fair, I did retrieve a foul ball from the road flawlessly. It was kind of my shining moment. During that ball retrieval moment I deftly eluded a car that ran the stop sign; proving that I couldn't hit anything last night!!!
So that mess aside, here is what I believe to be the current standings, but please take them with a 'grain of salt', because they are NOT OFFICIAL!!! The official standings will be on the website on the weekend, but here's a sneak peak with the help of Marky-Mark.
All games are getting interesting now, but here are some to watch out for (my opinion only of course):
The Dog Catchers Vs. The Wild (Tue 7th)
There aren't many teams hotter than the Dog Catchers right now, they are playing great! The Wild are ahead of Dog Catchers by a single point and have a game in hand. If The Wild win they can't be caught. If the Dog Catchers continue their hot streak, it could get really interesting!
Hurtin' Units Vs. The Lucky Stiffs (Wed 8th)
The Stiffs are currently in 5th place, but unlike the 3rd and 4th place teams, still have a shot at 1st. Weird huh? This a must win for the Lucky Stiffs to stay alive in the hunt for #1. For the Units, they need this to make sure they maintain their lead over the Brew Jays. Lots of ramifications with the standings for this game!
Torn Ligaments Vs. The Rusty Rebels (Thu 9th)
Don't let the 4 ties throw you off. The Ligaments are good. So too are the Rebels. I think this game will have a real playoff feel about it. I'm looking for both teams to be in single digits for runs.
Its going to be a tight finish!
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