Thursday, May 29, 2014

Free Beer Part II

So here's the deal. 

The tournament is delayed.  Not canceled, but just delayed until August.  August is a long, long, long long time to wait for beer.  So what we'll do is pay this out at the Help the Kids Play tournament in July.  That's the best I can do.  But we'll have another contest for the August Tournament. 

We had 51 license plates.  Now I know I said I was going to do a $20.00 drink award for the winner, but I'm going to change it on the fly.  Truthfully I was overwhelmed with the responses.  A lot of folks had guesses with this so it feels wrong to not recognize the top 3.  2nd and 3rd place get a single frosty malt beverage at the HTKP tournament as their reward.  And your winners are: 

3rd Place, Karen Turner with an amazing 35/51.  I thought that was going to hold up, but....
2nd Place, Paul Piellusch who had a staggering 44/51.  But even that wasn't enough!
1st Place, Steve Ross who nailed 47/51!!!


I literally had to go hermit for the last week because people were stopping me in Foodland, the Beer Store and the gas station and making guesses verbally.  This was a lot of fun for me and clearly for many of you.

Now for the explanations. 

Scott Barton....3 consecutive batting titles and looking for a 4th.

Mikhail Baryshnikov, the famous ballet dancer turned bad actor?  The Dance Man, obviously....Jeff Dancey

The only question about this one was whether anyone new Al Nichols real name!  Want to read more about the slim and trim Al?  Click HERE

Steve Brooks (works for a cable monopoly)(their colour is red)(maybe you know them).

Danny Chiasson, one of a thousand different nicknames.  There's too many BLOGs about Danny to link to.  Kinda like Marky Mark.

Roman Dasek.  Roman...centurian...get it yet?  You'll laugh later

Chuck Cragg, No explanation necessary.  The Cragg BLOG is HERE

Dave "Don't Call Me Terry" Doucette.

A nickname coined by Terry Doucet for Gary Basso

Diamond Jim Rouleau, no one knows where the diamond is located though.

Fraser Barrett (Dr. Fraser Crane)

Dube...aka....dude...aka...Craig Escott.  Dude got a miss print on his shirt a few years back and was stuck with "DUBE" for a season.  Based on the nicknames printed on shirts in our league, DUBE didn't draw any attention.  Of course, one of the most popular BLOGs ever features Dude/Dube and can be found HERE

James Taylor, (oh I've seen fire and I've seen rain....)

Gord Robertson.  Obviously.  Still one of my more favourite BLOGs, you can read the Gord Robertson edition HERE

Steve Ross.  Obviously, again.  If you didn't get this one, you probably shouldn't have played.  The Gere BLOG is HERE

Paul Gyori....more for his beer league team than for him.

Robert Farah...every BLOG is about Rob.

Bob Vaughan.  When your team writes Grumpy instead of your name on the lineup, its bound to stick.  The first time I saw it on a score card, I had to fill in everyone elses stats and see who was left.  I had no idea.   

For whom the Bell tolls?  Sandy Bell!

Will Goodin.  Good Will Hunting

Al Fry;  thusly dubbed Idaho in the "walk like an Egyptian" blog, which can be found HERE.

Ingo Barten.  There are over 300 published editions of the BLOG out there and I'll be damned if I can find the Ingofische one.  Its out there.  Marky Mark?

Marky Mark's (Mark Doyle) nickname comes from Mark Wahlberg who the lead singer from Markey Mark and the funky bunch before turning to acting.  Before that he was a Calvin Klein underwear model.  Swear to god. (Karen got this one)

Randy Hipkin, I believe (not 100%) that he's a bit of a 'mother hen' to the Dog Catchers.

Kevin Hollingshead.  Was in on two triple plays last year and grew up on a farm with a 3 headed sheep (that's a lie).  But there is a BLOG about Kevins propensity for things in 3's, found HERE.

Myrtle what?  Myrtle Beech!  The Beechey!  You'll get it on the way home and you'll laugh and laugh.  By the way, if you're wondering how Keith Beechey became The Beechey, click HERE.

If not Luke, must be Bo!  As in Bo Niederhuber.  See, it you were thinking Luke from Star Wars you've been struggling to come up a Han in the league. 

Not So Fast Eddie?  Ed Hopkins.  I don't know how he got that nickname, he'd be 3rd fastest on the Grisslies. 

Paul Michael Glaser played Starsky; which means this one is Paul Piellusch.  How did he become Starsky?  Click HERE  Written in 2010 (wow)

The Pii man.....Piero Del Greco.  Here's another 2010 BLOG featuring Piero, click HERE

Derryl Gaudet .... he had the name 1st.

Jerry Muirhead had the name 2nd, but wears it well!  And our 3 winners all got the two Popeyes in the right order!

Ricky Bobby AKA Rick Cudnik.  You can read more about Ricky and the evolution of his nickname HERE!

This was a freebie for everyone, except for maybe Scott Peters.  Kevin Boston

Eric The Red Hipkin!

For those about to rock....Bill Sallustio!  You can read about Bill's double life as a Yoga Instructor HERE.

Sir Andrew Gee.  Currently our only knighted active player.  Aptly dubbed for driving in the winning run in 2013's all star game vs the young timers. 

The one, the only Scott Mason.

This might have messed a few people up but its Kahuna (which is a Hawaiian word for "wise man").  Also, Hawaii is known for surfing, hence; there can only be one answer.  Roger Burton.

Mr Lou Conforti

The aptly dubbed Timmy Two Beer is Tim Osmond.  Although, we're working on his new nickname, "Timmy Infinity Beer".  Actually, Timmy is working on it .... the jury is out. 

Clearly .... Doug DeLand.

Darrel Hager; the horrible (remember the comic strip?)

That would be Steve DeLand.  Sorry Stevie. 

Most everyone guested Cal Steeves for this one and I undertstand why, his shorts are ledgendary.  However, equally famous for his stylish yet very athletic shorts is, Timmy Schrank!  Anxious to read more about Timmy and his shorts?  Click HERE, still one of the most popular editions. 

Not Borje Salming.  Nope, Jens Lepa.

Harley Sherman.....The "Sherman Tank!"

This nickname is less than a year old but it caught on like wildfire.   How much has it caught it on?  He has "whale" on his 2014 jersey!  Chris Parsons is in fact; the whale!   Why?  'Cuz he's a whale of a player!  (The Whale was a Bob Candy creation, all rights reserved)

Robbie Tumble Rumboldt.  An explanation isn't needed, unless you're a rookie.  And on the rare chance that you're either a rookie or need a laugh, you can read about his exploits HERE

Gord Dol!  Yes, he's a generation away from growing sod, but everyone knows the name. 

And yoke is Geoff Keogh (Park)!  Rumour has it that couldn't pronounce "joke" as a child.  Just yoking. 

1 comment:

Karen Turner said...

Thanks Doug..... Randy's nickname Mother came about because we say that he does more worrying than any of our mothers possibly could...