This weeks poll was VERY interesting!
Ingofische shaves his head 6% (Disappointing)
Danny Chiasson hits to left 26% (Impossible)
Piero plays every position 66% (AWESOME)
Tim and Greg arm wrestle 26% (Could Happen)
If, Then, Else.
Most of you read the above and thought, "what the hell?"
But for some of you, you either took computer programming courses, became a programmer or work somewhere in Information Technology (IT) and those three little words mean something to you.
If, Then, Else is sort of the base tenet of computer programming. It works on a series of true and false statements. Most user applications work the same way. For example, have you ever added a series of number in Microsoft Excel? If you have, then you've noticed that the total is presented in a black text if its a positive number and red text if its a negative number much like my bank balance. That's because the Excel code has a statement in it that reads something along the lines of:
"IF" sum is greater than "0" "Then" Font = Black, "ELSE" Font=RED.
That is a serious over simplification, but its basically how programming works.
And you thought this was just comedy? Shame on you all.
Perhaps a better question is, "why is he boring us with this stuff"? Indeed, that WOULD be a good question! And of course the answer would be....
Because Dave Argue is a computer programmer!!!
So how does someone go from being the leader of the Young Conservative Party in Forget Saskatchewan to being a computer programmer in the center of the universe? Its a strange path people follow to be sure. However, Dave should have known straight away that he was destined to be a programmer because he found his way there using the If, Then, Else principle.
This is Dave Argue as the leader of the Young Conservatives:
Dave Argue: His life laid in front in of him
before that god awful picture came out!
As we've said numerous times here at The BLOG, to know the man, you need to know the man's history. Dave (The Contradiction) Argue is pretty much like everyone else. He was kid, he had a family, he stubbed his toe along the way and eventually made something of himself that was greater than the sum of those toes. However, we're not necessarily interested in the triumphs. No. We're typically more interested in those occasions where toes were stubs. So Stub away Davy boy, Stub away!
Dave had a happy go lucky approach
from a pretty early age!
Dave's Brother Quarr-El was a little misunderstood
but was a pretty good kid once you got past the piercing stare.

And his sister Dee-Bate was the sweetie of the
Grade 4 pep rally team!
So, as you can see, everything was fairly normal in Forget Saskatchewan. But as you also know, That fateful photo in the Forget Gazette changed things. Dave went from normalcy to....hmmmm....finding himself?
Dave in his Early "Sean Penn" phase but he wasn't
really cut out for melancholy, THEN
If you have ever seen Sean Penn in the "Falcon and the Snowman" then you have a good sense of Dave's slightly neurotic, moderately paranoid, borderline irrational and almost phobic late teen phase. It happens. It happens a lot. Dave left town.
Dave's next stop was at the University of Saskatchewan.
Oh, he didn't enrol quite yet, but he did something else, he managed to join a fraternity. The Frat was good and they entered Dave in a North America wide moustache growing contest. I think its fair to say that Dave put the UofS on the map. Big Time!!!

Dave's patented "body 'stache". Go ahead,
try and grow one of these bad boys!!!
Despite the legendary status that he received among the university crowed, the contest just didn't give Dave the fulfilment that he was yearning for back then. He knew that if he was to find that fulfilment, he'd have to do it elsewhere. So he packed up again and hit the road. This time he REALLY hit the road and went west. When he ran out of road he took a boat and started heading south west. Before you knew it, Dave hit land and almost immediately then landed himself a gig working as a body double for this man:
Apparently Magnum had an overwhelming fear of
water and lose fitting shorts.
Body doubles were instructed to not "out shine" the
stars that they were shadowing. Dave had to work hard
to dumb-down this glamour shot.
After years of hopping in and out of TC's chopper and outrunning the damned dogs, Dave finally said enough was enough! After all, there was more to life than wealth, surf, beaches, perpetual tans and a world that smelled like Coppertone. IF only!!!
So he bailed.
Dave went back to the Mainland and hooked up with an advertising firm. He cleaned up his moustache and went to work on their biggest account, Tim Horton's. Dave had been up all night for a week straight and had been working on a new killer marketing campaign for Timmies that was centered around what would happen if Conservative surfers were drinking coffee on the beach. He had 'stills' of commercials ready. He had mocks of billboards. He had layouts for magazine and newspaper ads. He was SOOOO ready!
However, with all the hard work, Dave slept in. At 8:45, on his way to the 8:00 am presentation he said "screw it" and pulled into a drive through and got a large double double and a small black. He chugged the black and started sipping the double double as he drove the remaining 30 minutes to work. He got to the office and it was complete chaos! They could ill afford to lose this account and Executives were literally on the ledges ready to jump. Dave's boss trailed him down the hallway chastising him the whole way! "Who do you think you are? What's your problem? Do you know how important this is? An hour and 15 minutes late, and yet you have time TO STOP FOR A COFFEE", he screamed!
Dave, now at the entrance way to the presentation room turned and looked directly at his boss and said in a very calm voice, "You've always got time for Tim Horton's"
His boss was horrified and Dave was in shock when he walked into the room and all the Tim Horton's ad types were standing and clapping. "That's exactly the kind of slogan we're looking for, nothing else has worked! Keep up the great work! We'll be back next week to look at the roughs for the ads."
As disgusted as Dave was in the line, he wasn't about to look a gift horse in the mouth. However, news travels fast in the Marketing / Ad agency world and competing firms knew that they had to recruit Dave to their firms or kill his credibility. Dave was none too eager to move; so the firm 'across the street' launched a multi-million dollar suit against him for modeling his moustache after their biggest client, Toyota. They were able to connect a drop in profits to the day that Dave changed his style.
The ad world being the ad world, Dave's firm dropped him immediately.
Tough break. There's never time for Toyota
in Dave's world!
Now it was REALLY time to slip into 'find one's self mode' and Dave headed north as so many before him had done. Dave had heard stories of a "unit of solitude" somewhere in the Canadian far north. He spent 3 years wandering, searching, but if it WAS there it eluded him.
A rare picture of Dave on his northern quest.
Dave's answer would not be found in the North. So Dave continued his search by heading East. Not Shag Harbour East; but India East! Dave had heard stories of transcendental mediation offered by Guru Arun Randiv Kumar Sangakkara. (GARKS)
After 4 years under GARKS tutelage Dave had
finally achieved 'inner peace'
The next step was for Dave to leave India and re-immerse himself in his own community. To truly find inner peace he had to take the spiritual lessons that he had learned and apply them in his own culture.
The lesson from GARKS was clear.

A lesson worth learning.
So Dave came back to Canada. He landed in Ontario and ended up in Tottenham. Not knowing quite yet what he wanted to do for a 'full time career; he took a summer gig as the Engineer of the Tottenham steam train!

Engineer Dave!!!
I followed Dave, now long since a computer programmer, to work one day a couple of weeks ago. Yes, I know it was wrong, but once he noticed that I was close enough to see him, he started weaving through traffic.
Around Avenue Road and St. Clair I got this picture:
Around Avenue Road and St. Clair I got this picture:

Here we are fielding together
We are one
So much time practicing
Playing games with our gloves
So many beers I've drank
So many games in the tank
But Grisslies, It ain't over 'til it's over
So many games we've tried
To keep our season alive
But Grisslies it ain't over 'til it's over
How many times
Did we give up
But we always overcame our doubt
And we can hit now and our "D" is lights out
Kept me wondering, yeah
If we've always, always been above
So many beers we've drank
So many games in the tank
So many games in the tank
But Grisslies It ain't over 'til it's over
So many games we've tried
And kept our season alive
'Cause Grisslies it ain't over 'til it's over
So many beers we've drank
So many games in the tank
Grisslies It ain't over 'til it's over
Grisslies It ain't over 'til it's over
So many games we've tried
And kept our season alive
'Cause Grisslies it ain't over 'til it's over
So many beers we've drank
So many games in the tank
So many games in the tank
Grisslies It ain't over 'til it's over
So many games we've tried
So many games we've tried
And kept our season alive
'Cause Grisslies it ain't over 'til it's over
Over, over, over.
So many beers we've spewed
So many games we threw
But Grisslies It ain't over 'til it's over
So many games we've tried
To kept our season alive
'Cause Grisslies it ain't over 'til it's over
Over, over, over
So many beers we've drank
To kill the way we stank
Grisslies it ain't over 'til it's over
I'm trying not to get TOO carried away, but we played good! The final score was 12-5 and the tone was set early in this one.
The Grisslies, as the home team, gave up a walk to start the game before getting the next three batters. Then at the plate in the bottom of the 1st, there were 2 on and 2 out and one run in before a nice 4 run two out rally took place.
The outfielders consistently hit the cutoff men. The infielders didn't throw wildly to bases. All the bases the Dodge City Rounders got, they earned. Not having freebies makes a big difference!
Individually, Piero Del Greco continues to wield a solid bat. The MVP drove in two runs in his first at bat, two more in his second and one more for a total of 5 in his third at bat.
As much as I miss having the stats, it might be a blessing because we're doing the lineup by feel right now and it "FEELS" like we're onto something! The Grisslies have won 3 of 4 for the second time this year and the first time since early June! With six games left a 3 and 3 record will get us the 6 and 4 finish that we wanted. Hopefully those three wins come sooner than later so that Piero can play every position in the Torn Ligaments season finale!
Good job team!!!
Set the record straight:
1. Have I ever been mistaken for Tom Selek…only once….thanks MOM
2. Could I be ‘The Batman’, don’t think so, ‘Super Man’ maybe…..
3. I did have a political relative: Hazen Argue (Alberta I believe)….wasn’t on the up and up though.
4. I have had the moustache since birth
5. Did that ball really hit me in the head last night…hmmm….FORGET
6. If I ever get drafted by the Grisslies again I’ll know not to share any secrets ELSE they might end up in a blog, THEN I might have to do some digging to retaliate
7. We did try and win the ‘Timmies’ contract at work, but they went with MasterCard instead………damn TimBits
8. Since I’ve been a Grisslie my nails are growing at an unprecedented rate, that’s my excuse for making errors…and I’m sticking to it
9. I guess my ‘head volley’ last night puts me in the running with Piero (sand angels) and Tim (batters box jelly roll) for the Grisslie moment of the year
I believe the PIEMAN might have a "BODY STACHE" just like Dave's.... Sam told us about some waxing job.
Do you ever notice that Dave Argues about everything!
seriously Dave: we have all notiiced your long finger nails Just wondering why you color them with that ruby red color.Were they out of Grisslie Blue?
Dave...A thoughtful response is always welcomed!!!
• I doubt that you’ve only been mistake for Tom Selleck once. It happened twice at the legion last night!
• Would the REAL Superman spell Superman wrong yet spell The Batman right? I don’t think so either.
• Hazen Argue was from Kayville SASKATCHEWAN! Coincidentally only 188 Km and less than two hours from downtown Forget. Go figure. I'm not saying its a 'leading a double life situation'; but if it walks like a duck and talks like a duck it could be a Grisslie!!
Piero's "body stach" as correctly predicted by The Man From Glad (cut and paste into your browser)
Robin: 'holy moustache..who's this Argue dude?'
Batman: 'he's a known nare do well that emigrated from India'
Alfred: 'sir, the results of the Argue search'
Batman: 'just as I thought, not only is he related to Dee-Bate and Quarr-el but that evil villain 'Ey-wanna Bicker' and her father 'Begin Differ the II'or as we call him ; 'Beg II Differ'
Robin: 'are you thinking what I'm thinking'
Batman'exactly ole chum...if they ever team up with that Tottenham crime lord....'Man from Glad' it's curtains for us all'
Robin: 'where's Tottenham'
Alfred: 'somewhere between Gotham City and Colgan'...but don't worry Chief O'Hara has tracked him down and an arrest is's in the bag...hahaha'
Batman: 'good one Alfred'
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