This blog is NOT supposed to be all about me! Really, its supposed to be about me mocking other people. I consider that to be particular strength of mine.
That all changed on the night of Friday July the 31st, 2009. I know you're asking why, so I'll tell you what happened. On that night, having a few a backyard beverages with a group of people who are known only as, "the gang"; the night sky clouded over and the stars began to disappear one by one. The air got heavy and steam began to rise from the lawn causing an eerie "poltergeist" type chill to go through the group. Then, with the silence reaching its deafening peak, there was flash of lightening so crisp, so sharp, so focused that it only hit one man. We were all thrown to the ground except for the stricken man, Tito "Fonzerelli" Presenza.

Dead man walking.
Imagine walking around through life already knowing your fate. Everything becomes suddenly empty. Last weekend the kids wanted me to go fishing. I just said, "what's the point, Tito's going to strike me out in two weeks anyway, AND GOING FISHING WON'T CHANGE THAT".
Dead man walking.
I find myself trapped like a character in a bad sci-fi movie; like I'm Keanu Reeves (except that I can act a little bit) and I already know the result and I'm trying desperately to change it. But do my actions change the result or make the result inevitable? Does anyone remember the Terminator movie? John Connor sends his best friend back in time to protect his mom and that best friend ultimately becomes John's father. So did John Connor have to know this to make it happen or did he have to NOT know this to make it happen? Did the gods bestow Tito with the gift of second sight to challenge me or have him (yet again) hit the jukebox with that Fonzerelli mojo and have everything come up roses. All I know is that for the next week, until that game, I am....
Dead man walking.
When you change with every new day
Dan McCallum was heard saying, "What the hell was that? I played along with the Shakespeare crap and the Beatles thing was a least comical; but this has nothing to do with baseball, winning or ANYTHING!" John Herrett was quick to defend his captain stating, "I totally get it, today is Tuesday, Steve Wynnyk often answers to 'ruby', and he's not here tonight. So, goodbye ruby Tuesday makes perfect sense to me." Dan was fast on the retort with, "even if I went along with that ridiculous story, then what does the 'still I'm gonna miss you' part mean?" Sharp as tack, John replied by saying, "'still I'm going to miss you' refers to the fact that the rookie is going to be at 2nd base and we're REALLY going to miss Wynnyk". The debate raged for several innings and had the desired effect of firing up the troops.
John Herret Looking suspiciously like Richie Cunningham
Dan McCallum Looking a lot like Wendel Clark at his retirement press conference
The game itself was a spectacular defensive affair through the fist 3 innings with neither team giving up a run. Then the Grisslies had a bat around inning posting 7 runs and never looked back.
You gotta give those Stiffs some credit though. Most teams would have folded like a cheap suit after going down 16-4, but they battled for another 5 in the final frame to make the score a respectable 16-9.
The Lucky Stiffs move to 4-12-1 and have clinched a playoff spot! The Grisslies (unbelievably some would say) have improved to 9-8 and have moved their plus/minus into teens for the first time since there was still snow on the ground!
The Gris & Stiffs came into the game having scored exactly the same number of runs and with the Grisslies giving up about 1 run a game fewer. Go figure...
In the post game press conference it was pointed out by a number of Grisslie players that the Lucky Stiffs have a solid team and they appear ready to hit their stride. They look close and look out when they get on a roll!
More good news for the Grisslies! It appears that Diamond Jim Rouleau will be back from his hip replacement sooner than expected. According to doctors, the hip is mending well and he should be back dancing in two weeks. Which means he'll be back playing baseball in three weeks! Great news & welcome back!! Also, more information has come on Cliff "the fury" Stacey's drug suspension. League insiders have confirmed that the drug he was taking was Midol, PMS extra strength. The league has also confirmed that this IS NOT on the banned substantce list.
The Grisslies have chosen not to appeal the suspension.
Only 7 more days until I strike out against Fonzie.
Dead man walking!
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