Monday, June 29, 2015


So what the hell is all this about????


Sometimes you just need to hit the reset button and start over.  So I did.


Lots of reasons.  Most of which you shouldn't believe.

One of the major reasons is that I find that I have a lot to say that isn't necessarily baseball related. Hence the caption above, "Always something to say".  So because its not going to be just about our fun little baseball league; because I'll be writing like I talk, and that means swearing (but not yet); and because I've often been known to have strong, unconventional and sometimes unpopular opinions, I'm not willing to share those with the great unwashed.

EDITORS NOTE:  Its come to my attention (over the years) that I use words and expressions that are not part of the average lexicon.  I don't know how this happened.  I'm not particularly well read and I think my education is painfully average.  These are just words and phrases I use, I don't even usually recognize them as unusual.  When I do, I'll put in a definition.  These definitions aren't meant to be be disparaging to the reader; simply info.  Please keep in mind that there will be times when I fully intend to be disparaging, this just isn't one of them.
Great unwashed:  This phrase dates back to a book of the same name published in 1868 about the working class of England.  It is used as a tongue in cheek reference to a large collection with a differing view.  See Scott Peters for a copy of the original book.  (this phrase is used by me that way at any rate)
Lexicon:  The vocabulary or branch of knowledge of an individual.
Disparaging:  Regarding people or things to be of little worth.
Tongue In Cheek:  Ironic (don't ya think?) or flippant.

My humour can be offensive on occasion.  I do understand that.  Please don't confuse my understanding with actual caring.  While my aim is certainly not to offend, I am keenly aware that it happens.  I know I can make people that like me laugh or smile so I just won't worry about the rest.

Too harsh?  Maybe.  But wait until my editorial on sex-ed in grade schools.  That will be a little rough on the right wing, bible thumping extremists.  Who knew Ontario had a deep-south?

I digress.

Digress:  Leave the main subject temporarily to write about something unrelated.  But I digress. Again.

Look, I've been writing this stuff for a long time now.  I can't even begin to guess how many words I've written.  I got a "D" in grade one Art class.  I didn't colour inside the lines then and I certainly don't now.  When you're going over the edges, you're bound to step on a few toes.  

Don't think that because you're invited to this page that you're exempt from my sarcastic and sometimes misinterpreted, mean spirited, brand of comedy.  For god sakes, I've already got Scott and we're still at the intro!

I will attack cats.  I will make fun of religion.  I will go after politicians (but not those from Ontario due to the non disclosure document I signed). All manner of reality TV will be ridiculed and scorned.  And when its done and I hit "PUBLISH", I will feel relieved.  And you know why?  Because this is two-way power.  I get to vent, at some level; or at least exercise some demons, and you get stay as long as you want and its by choice.  You needed a password / invite to get in here, but you're free to leave if I go too far over the edge for you. Remember, this is private!  Private both to you and for you.

You're here because you're opinions help formulate mine.  Because you can take a fucking joke (and there's the swearing).  And because not everything that you read that you don't agree with (and there will be plenty) will cause you to pout like a petulant 5 year old who's slinky developed a kink in it. And, in this case, I actually do mean slinky when I say slinky.

Petulant:  Childish, sulky, bad tempered.

Yes, I guess this is the grown up BLOG.  No pacifiers, no coddling.

Coddling:  Treat in an over protective way.
(I'm quickly tiring of these definitions)

As mentioned, its not going to be all about baseball and neither is it always meant to be humourous.  I like research style essays and just conversations about the way my small world and the big real world SHOULD run.

Its should be noted that I really do like debates.  I grew up debating with my mother.  Don't get me wrong, my dad had a debating style too.

Me:  Dad, what do you think about he NDP policies?
Dad:  Assholes.


Me:  Dad, can I say out until 11pm?
Dad:  No.
Me:  Can we talk about it?
Dad:  No.
Me:  I'll clean the basement.
Dad:  Ok.
Me:  So I can stay out until 11pm?
Dad:  No.  But you can clean the basement.

I'm really quite interested in other people's opinions whether they are contrary to mine or not.  Its how you learn, right?  So feel free to comment.  You don't have to but its welcome.  You're here because I think you're smart.  Not that my opinion counts any more than anyone else's, nor should it.

As you know, you were 'invited' to this blog.  The only way in is through YOUR ID.  I would ask that you keep that access to yourself.  I know my audience and I feel comfortable with that.  I don't want to have to make exceptions or curtail myself because IDs are being shared and those who I never intended to have here and reading and commenting.

By the same token, If you think there's someone who should be invited, let me know.  Its hard to gather everyone.  There's over 70 outstanding invites right now.  Not everyone is so savvy at getting hooked up.  I've had to go to a number of homes to do the setup.  I don't mind.

Two more things.  I think there will be more posts than you're used to, but less of the epic long stories, less structure and less routine.  When things strike me as interesting, I'll post them, so you'll have to check frequently and check back issues on the right hand side.

And last, I don't know what to do about stats.  I haven't found a way to shorten the workload and its a bugger to produce every week.  I'll do what I can in that department.  For sure there will be a 1/2 way point stat recap once every team has played their 13th game


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