For those of you new to the BLOG, the conversation (usually between me and Rob) tends to appear pretty often. Sometimes they're 100% true. Sometimes they're 100% made up. Usually its about 50% true with the swear words (mine) removed and a little enhanced. I always let people determine for themselves what is true or not.
This one however; is surprisingly accurate.
647-528-9669: i GOts a neW phne!
Doug: Congratulations. Who are you?
647-528-9669: itssss me!
Doug: Ya. I know that YOU know its you, but I don't know who you are. You just show up as a phone number.
647-528-9669: o
647-528-9669: its the pPresdenant and CEo of the GrissliES!
Doug: Ahhhhh. Okay Rob, I'll save your address.
647-528-9669: you no where i live
Doug: I'll save it in my phone
Doug: Ahhhhh. Okay Rob, I'll save your address.
647-528-9669: you no where i live
Doug: I'll save it in my phone
Rob: ok. are you donE yet?
Doug: yep, but it doesn't matter, you can still txt while I'm doing other stuff.
Doug: yep, but it doesn't matter, you can still txt while I'm doing other stuff.
Rob: really?
Doug: LOL, ya.
Doug: LOL, ya.
Rob: love you too.
Doug: ?
Doug: ?
Rob: love you too.
Doug: okay. Where did that come from?
Doug: okay. Where did that come from?
Rob: LoL means Lots Of LovE, right?
Doug: hahahaha. No. It means Laugh Out Loud.
Doug: hahahaha. No. It means Laugh Out Loud.
Rob: I'm liTerally L'ing out L right now.
Doug: You may need to practice the texing acronyms.
Doug: You may need to practice the texing acronyms.
Rob: like what?
Doug: OMG
Doug: OMG
Rob: o MY god.
Doug: right. What about WTF
Doug: right. What about WTF
Rob: Why ThE face?
Doug: No. It means What The f**k
Doug: No. It means What The f**k
Rob: can you swear on this?
Doug: You have to know your audience, but sure.
Doug: You have to know your audience, but sure.
Rob: Fluking A
Rob: Flicking
Rob: ficking
Rob: Funking A
Doug: I get it
Doug: I get it
Rob: fulkinng A
Doug: let it go.....
Doug: let it go.....
Rob: why do the words keep changing?
Doug: its the auto correct feature.
Doug: its the auto correct feature.
Rob: that's a feature? do i pay exTra for that? i'm going to cancl that and get the wrslting channel on my phne.
Doug: Comes with the phone. Has a camera too.
Doug: Comes with the phone. Has a camera too.
Rob: flunck off.
Doug: LOL
Doug: LOL
Rob: I know that one!!!!
Doug: Okay, txt some else, I've gotta make dinner.
Doug: Okay, txt some else, I've gotta make dinner.
Rob: Okay. LOL for now.
Doug: It means Laugh Out Loud.
Doug: It means Laugh Out Loud.
Rob: That's what Doris said too.
Doug: He's right.
Doug: He's right.
Rob: So who would know?
Doug: know what?
Doug: know what?
Rob: what IDk means?
Doug: ????
Doug: ????
Rob: what?
Doug: I already told you what it means.
Doug: I already told you what it means.
Rob: I missed that.
Rob: O!!! I have a text coming in, I'm goiNG to have to put you on hold.
Doug: There is no 'hold'.
Doug: There is no 'hold'.
Doug: ughhhh, never mind.
Ten Minutes Later
30 minutes later
Yep, the 1st flip! (AKA, Rob McCarron's phone)
Ten Minutes Later
Rob: I can't find my new Penis
Doug: Excuse me?
Doug: Excuse me?
Rob: Fruck....Uggh. I can't find my new BASEBALL PENIS
Doug: Not any better.
Doug: Not any better.
Doug: hmmmm, yelling doesn't appear to be helping either.
Doug: hmmmm, yelling doesn't appear to be helping either.
Rob: P
Rob: U
Rob: M
Rob: A
Rob: S
Doug: You can't find your new white baseball Pumas?
Doug: You can't find your new white baseball Pumas?
Rob: Penis!!!! Yes!!!
Rob: Ugh.
Doug: LOL
Doug: LOL
This looks Soooooo convenient!
30 minutes later
Rob: I'm back.
Doug: Goodie.
Doug: Goodie.
Rob: any luck fiGuring out what IDK means?
Doug: I told you. It means "I" "D"on't "K"now.
Doug: I told you. It means "I" "D"on't "K"now.
Rob: oooooooooooooooooooooooh. I get it now. let me try.
Doug: ???????
Doug: ???????
Rob: It means,.....opps, getting a txt, i'''m really popular. back soon.
I think this was on MASH
30 Minutes Later
30 Minutes Later
Rob: I'm back.
Doug: How did you live this long without a phone?Rob: I know!!!!!! I eventook it to the bathroom!
Doug: so what was that long acronym?
Doug: so what was that long acronym?
Rob: It statds fro I Am Really LOOKing Forward To THe Baseball Season ARe You?
Doug: so.....that's not really an acronym. You can't just shorten everything you type down to the 1st letter and think people will understand it.
Doug: so.....that's not really an acronym. You can't just shorten everything you type down to the 1st letter and think people will understand it.
Rob: I thought that was the policy.
Doug: Not really. There's no policy. There's just a common set of short forms. Stuff like LOL, BTW, IDK, and others.
Doug: Not really. There's no policy. There's just a common set of short forms. Stuff like LOL, BTW, IDK, and others.
Rob: ok then. You're so LOL
Doug: I don't think i've seen an acronym used out of context before.
Doug: I don't think i've seen an acronym used out of context before.
Rob: Stop! You're killng me! You are SOOOOO LOL
Doug: Okay then. TTYL (talk to you later)
Doug: Okay then. TTYL (talk to you later)
Rob: Okay. TTYL (talk to you later) too!
Doug: Good lord.
Doug: Good lord.
Rob: ya. Just finished masturbating. It makes me so relaxed. I fall asleep way easier.
Doug: I find that no less awkward.
Doug: I find that no less awkward.
Rob: Meditating. Medi frickin tating.
Doug: I see
Doug: I see
Doug: I think you've flucnked us all. TTYL
Doug: I think you've flucnked us all. TTYL
Rob: TTYL (talk to you later) too.
Again, for those of you new to the BLOG..... The song started as Rob's inspirational speech to the team before every game. Its evolved over the years. There's some good ones....and....some not so much. However; love it or hate it, the song is leaving as a permanent fixture of the BLOG. The truth is that it is the most time consuming part of this whole enterprise and it only has a small (and loyal) audience, so its an easy time recovery opportunity.
So, that being said, there will be a song under the following conditions:
1. when something presents itself too me and just needs to be done!
2. if I find myself with sufficient slack time to try and be somewhat creative.
3. if someone submits a song, I'm happy to give them credit and cut & paste it into the BLOG.
Today's song stems from an email conversation between myself, Mr Dancey and Mr Hopkins.
(to the tune of I Am The Walrus)
I am he as you are he as you are me and we are all together.
See how they run like Dwyer from a liner see how he fly.
I'm Howling.
Sitting on a bleacher, waiting for the team to come.
Hot Tub Woody's tee-shirt, stupid bloody Tuesday.
Man, we're never gonna have a rut, gonna kick some Unit's butt.
I am the Danceman, they are not the Danceman.
I am the walrus, coo coo ca chew!
Kevin "skippy" Cavalier is running
Pretty little runs on the score sheet in a row.
See how they fly like Tristan in the Sky, see how they run.
I'm writing, I'm scoring.
I'm jeering, I'm crying.
Grey shirted Grisslies, Timmy Two Beers no longer on their side.
Troy Hope's wheels, Gord Dol's glove,
Boy, Gee will hit it up the middle and leave Farah with his knickers down.
I am the Danceman, they are not the Danceman.
I am the walrus, coo coo ca chew!
Sitting in Coventry garden waiting for the sun.
If the sun don't come, Dickson will laugh
From the stream of jokes from Caldwell's mouth.
I am the Danceman, they are not the Danceman.
I am the walrus, coo coo ca chew!
Expert text pert choking smokers,
Don't you think the joker laughs at you?
See how they run like Dwyer from a liner see how he fly.
I'm Howling.
Then the Master Batters, Might have to give Lenny the start.
Doesn't really matter, I could start Larkin.
Man, you should have seen Fast Eddy's face light up.
I am the Danceman, they are not the Danceman.
I am the walrus, coo coo ca chew!
Welcome to the league Superior Battsmen!
The Grisslies started slowly but made up for it with some truly uninspired play in the middle innings! We did close to get within three and ultimately fall 16-11.
Rookie Les Vadja had is first career hit, run and RBI in this game. Way to go!
I'm on pace to score 52 runs and have 52 errors. Excellent.
Rob is on pace for 52 strikeouts and 52 walks. Swell.
Brad Smith is on pace for 25 more broken feet.
Rick Lyon on pace for personally breaking the record for most jugs in a season by a team.
Rod Duggan on pace to tell guys to just "shake it off" 10,400 more times
Will Goodin on pace for turning 26 home runs into 26 triples
Joel Hodge is on pace for 52 more fist fights with Tom Ball.
Great start fellas.
More after the Woody's game on Thursday
1 comment:
That "IDK" section was awesome. Kinda like the Grisslie version of Who's on First. Great job ! CA
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