Saturday, May 30, 2015

Week 4 Stats


Yes my friends, I wasn't joking.  The BLOG editions will be few and far between this season I'm sad to say.  Hopefully I'll be able to roll with the stats one on a fairly regular basis though.  I finally got all the setup stuff done and Mr Conforti is working diligently on the data entry and Mr Chiasson on the upload to the website.

So then what are the these stats?  Well, some sit patiently on Sunday morning waiting for this to be published and won't have their coffee until they see it.  In fact, they'll even email me in Florida and complain that its not up!  Its okay, I'm honoured that anyone notices really.  But the point is that people who like these stats, REALLY like them.  Then I found out (at this weeks executive meeting) that some people don't even know that we track additional stats other than what's on the league site. That's okay too of course.

These stats aren't necessarily "pretty".  I try, but I worry more about content than presentation.

Above is an example of a pretty stat.  But its not terribly meaningful, is it?  It try and give a little explanation as I go along.

We track, the number of times a player reaches base, number of at bats and number of runs scored.  From there we (okay, me) do some supplemental stats.  In the coming weeks you'll see that we'll also report in six games segments so if you have a bad start, your hot streak later in the season won't be lost!  It won't be lost on me anyway, I watch for these trends.  :)

Above is an example of a deceiving stat.  See?  It looks like its meaningful, but its about cats and therefore stupid.  On to real stats.  (almost)

Consecutive Games Reaching Base

This is kind of simple.  This list simply tracks players who have hit in every game.  Right now we have 81 of our 168 players who have accomplished this.  When the number of players remaining gets down under 20 I'll start naming them.

To be honest, most people fall off this list because they miss a game, not because they go 0/4 or 0/5.  There's not a heck of a lot of shut outs in this league.

Consecutive Games Scoring A Run

Much the same as above with the exception that its harder to stay on this list!   We're already down to only 29 players left, so I'll probably start naming them as early as next week.


Defense:  Things you expect....The Draft Kings leading the league in defense.  Things you don't expect, the Grisslies in 11th in defense!  So this will feed into other more whole stats later, but I always tend to trust defensive stats a little more than offense.

Offense:  Then we have the offense.  Things you wouldn't expect?  The Grisslies having a hitting team?  That's never happened since I've been here.  Not like this anyway.  More on that later, but with 6 games in its going to get harder to move the needle on team stats.

Power Rankings

I'll admit that this is probably my most favourite little stat.  Its pretty simple.  Each team is ranked 1 thru 14 in points in the standings; runs scored; runs allowed and Plus/Minus.  Their totals in the categories are added together and the lowest total is top of the heap for the week.  Not surprisingly, as it addresses all aspects of the league statistically, its a pretty accurate reflection of who's hot.

My read on this is that we have four teams at the top that are cementing a top 6 finish for themselves. Then we have the next 6 teams that haven't quite figured out who they are yet.  They're good enough to do well in at least one category, but haven't found consistency yet.  Then we have the 4 at the bottom that have found the wrong kind of consistency and have some fixing to do.


The official league standings can be found at Those ones are the only ones that count, but I'm not a big fan of them as most people know, because they are hockey standings and not baseball standings.  There is a reason for that, which is the got forsaken tie.  Ties make proper standings difficult.  But this is my version of baseball standings.

The differences are very subtle and more accurate in my opinion. Plus the Grisslies tied for 5th is way better than tied for 6th on the league site.

Runs Per Hit

I've been toying with this one for a couple of years, mostly looking for trends.  I think I found some.
First, this measures how many hits it takes a team to score a run on average.  Not complicated.  On average it 2.22 hits to score a run in the league two years ago, then it went down to 2.10 last year.  This year through 6 games there is only one team that isn't scoring better than last years league average!  And, had they not scored only one run in their opener, everyone would be ahead of pace.

So what does this mean?  Offense is up.  Dramatically.  Plus the hits are bigger.  The doubles and triples are cashing multiple runs on a single strike of the ball.  We're at 1.93 hits to score a run now across the league.


These are cut back from previous years.  I'm trying to find an amount I can keep up with, so hopefully this is good.

At Bats:  Pretty straight forward.  Whoever is at the top at the heap at the end of the season will have not missed a game, be on a pretty good offensive club and hit near the top of the order.  Dodge, Grisslies and Master Batters are leading the charge with Ryan Feehely getting in for the Tap Masters.

Hits:  Sometimes the average guy is also the hits guy.  Last season that was the case, but not the two seasons prior.  Scotty Barton looks like he's back being Scotty Barton and Jeff Behan is proving that last years sensational rookie campaign was no fluke!  This will heat up in the summer when guys start missing a game or two.

Runs:  Well Mr. Muirhead is putting his stamp on this category, huh? Barring rain, we'll close off the 1st 6 game segment next week, which it looks like Jerry will win going away.  Three Rounders and four Grisslies in the top 10. Yowza.

Most Improved:  My favourite individual stat.  Cliffy (former Grisslie) is off to a great start as is Craig Escott.  Dude closed last year absolutely punishing the ball and it looks like he's started this year the same way.  There's lots of other good stories in here to keep an eye on.

Rookies:  Who will be this year's Mason, Slipetz or Behan?  So for the Grisslies own Manager of Bats is leading all rookies with an .800 average and 20 hits have him in a tie for 7th overall in the entire league!  Wow, great start!

Sophomores:  Go figure.  A Grisslie leads in rookie average and another Grisslie leads in Sophomore average.  The Grisslies, like the Tap Masters have 3 second year players and all six (Hollmann, Byran, Ford, Feehely, Bickford and Hodge) have gotten out of the gate well!

Monday, May 11, 2015

Week 2 - 2015, BLOG edition

General Week 2 Info

As the BLOG continues to evolve and I figure out the frequency and timing of this thing, I thought I'd just pass on some info.

Where are the stats????:  Easy kids.  Yes the stats have transitioned to Lou to track.  We have a new Web Master and new Statistician, but neither of them are the cause for why the stats and standings aren't on the website.  Changing from 15 to 14 teams has necessitated a lot of format changes.  While we have all the data, it looks like hell.  We'll get it sorted out in the next week or so.

  • But I know your antsy, so I'll let you know that the Grisslie Captains are a combined 14/17 .826 with 7 runs scored.
  • Jens and Steve have 9 runs scored to lead the captain combos and Don and Hugh are tied with in second with 7.  
  • The Draft Kings Stike and Chuck, batting a 1.000 are the only captains ahead of the Grisslie dynamic duo for average.  
  • The Gruesome Devils are the only 2-0 team .
  • The Hot Tub Woody's, Rusty Rebels and Tap Masters are all 0-2.  
    • The Woody's got 4/5 top six votes.
    • The Rebels 2/5 
    • The Tap Masters 2/5.  
  • The Draft Kings, Master Batters, Dog Catchers, Dusty Cleats, Hurtin' Units and Beer Brothers sit at 1-0.
  • The Sons Of Pitches and Grisslies are the only 1-1 teams. 
  • The Dodge City Rounders and Sliders sit at 0-1.  
Heard or seen at the Park:  
  • The Master Batters 1st ever game.  They're the home team.  Dave Fleming needs to put the bases in and walks up to Rob Farah and says, "got a hammer?"  Let that one sink in.  
  • The Draft Kings gave up 1 run in their opener, against a team that scored 21 in their second game, so they're not dogs.  That's crazy.  
  • Se non avente sentitio Tito raccontare la storia "detonatore", consultare il.  Sarabbe felice di dirvi.  Se non lo vedi, io posso dire in mia voce Tito.  
  • If you haven't heard Tito tell you the Detonator" story, please ask him.  He would be happy to tell.  If you don't see him, I can tell you in my Tito voice.  
  • You would think that most teams would be disappointed with a 0-2 start.  Not Hugh Armstrong!  They're 0-2 with a minus 13.  They are light years ahead of last years pace of 0-2 and minus 30!
  • Beer Cup - More on this next week, but the Sons Of Pitches paid for a jug of beer for the Draft Kings (like they need help) who stole the cup from them.  The Draft Kings will get a chance to defend the cup against two 2-0 teams, the Rusty Rebels and the Tap Masters.  If either team wins they will carry it into week 3.  

The Conversation

For anyone who's bothered to follow along here, you know that there are some teams in "the best of all-time" conversation.  Not single-season, which is a whole other debate, but the best over the long haul.  I think maybe I'll do a ranking of them all one week to really stir the pot. 

Anyway, one of those teams that has to merit serious consideration is the Brew Jays.  Best regular season winning percentage ever, finishes of 2nd, 5th, 1st and 3rd before finally having one down year at 12th where they were eliminated early from the playoffs.  The other four years saw a Saturday elimination, a final appearance and 2 quarter finals. 

The architects of this great great squad were Rod Duggan and Bo Niederhuber.  They had an even keel approach that seemed to work.  They gave up their team this year and returned as 'players'; Rod with the Grisslies and Bo with the Hurtin' Units. 

So last week I'm in the Legion after the game and Bo and Rod are both their with their new teams.  While I was in the lineup for a pint, I heard this conversation. 

Rod:  How'd it go?
Bo:    Good, we won!
Rod:  Ya, us too.  We're 1-1. 
Bo:    Wow.  When was the last time you were .500?
Rod:  Banshees.  2009.
Bo:    You okay?
Rod:  I guess.  If we reel off 11 in a row it'll feel normal again. 
Bo:    I hear you.
Rod:  So how's the team.  What's it like playing for Mike and James?
Bo:    I have to say I'm pretty shocked. 
Rod:  Thank God!  I thought I was alone.  These's guys are crazy. 
Bo:    Oh ya?  That's not what I meant though.  James and Mike are great!
Rod:  Really?
Bo:    Sure!  We did the meet-the-team thing at Mike's. 
Rod:  That's nice.  Did he do a BBQ or something?
Bo:    Umm.  No, not really.  It was catered.   
Rod:  Catered?  Seriously?
Bo:    Ya.  I'm feeling kind of bad for you.  Maybe I'll just stop talking. 
Rod:  Its okay.  Don't sweat it.  So catered how?  Pizza?  Maybe wings?
Bo:    Sorry, no.  It was Lobster. 
Rod:  LOBSTER???
Bo:    Ya, but don't make a big deal about it.  They were pacific lobsters, not Atlantic.  And you know what, the asparagus wasn't even bacon wrapped. 
Rod:  Great, so your winning, eating well and I'm stuck with Lauel and Hardy.  Anything else with the Hurin' Units?
Bo:    Well.  There's the wagon. 
Rod:  What the hell is 'the wagon'?
Bo:    They carry their bats and their equipment in a wagon. 
Rod:  Come on. 
Bo:    Swear to god.  If we had a wagon we could have captained for another 2 or 3 years. 
Rod:  At least!
Bo:    How do the Grisslies manage the bats. 
Rod:  They have a Les Vadja?
Bo:    Whats that?
Rod:  The rookie. 
Bo:    The rookie carries the bats?
Rod:  Yep. There may be slave labour or hazing laws being broken, but I have to say that Doug and Rob's knees are a lot better than ours ever were. 
Bo:    My knees are great now.
Rod:  Really?  New meds?
Bo:    Nope.  The team massage therapist. 
Rod:  Of course. 
Bo:   Ya some Sven dude from Sweden.
Rod: Jens?
Bo:   SVEN!  anyway, 3 minutes for every player before the game and its like your 15 again.
Rod:  Stupid and don't have a licence?
Bo:   No.  Young and no pain!
Rod: 3 minutes?  That's bull.
Bo:   He doesn't even need that.  He just goes around and touches everyone on the neck and your totally healed.  You should see Scott Peters.  He's running like an Olympian.
Rod: Never heard of him.
Bo:   I just met him.  Been in the league for years apparently.  Keeps asking me if I'm "radar".
Rod: Oh you got the Radar guy?
Bo:   No.  The guy looking for the Radar guy.
Rod: Screw it.  When do you play next week.
Bo:  We're on the road for 2 next week.
Rod:   On the road, please.
Bo: Ya.  On the road!  Sons Of Pitches Tuesday and Beer Bros., Wednesday.
Rod:   What's the deal with pointing out home and road?
Bo:  Hotels.  You only get the room paid for on the road.  If your at home you're on your own
Rod: This is nuts.
Bo:   [to the legion bartender]  2 jugs of coors light please.
Rod: Where's your wallet?
Bo:  Don't need it.
Rod: why not
Bo:   [to the legion bartender]  On the Hurtin' Units account please.
Rod:  Oh, come on!!!
Rod:  ITS ROD!!!
Rob Farah:  OK ROG!
Rod: These guys are brutal.
Bo:   Sorry Rog.

The Story

Do you know Will?

Allow me to introduce you. 

Beards are funny.  Not necessarily funny looking, just ---- funny. 

For instance.  You know the band ZZ Top?  They are a trio of musicians who are known for their beards almost as much as they're know for producing Don Cherry's into song.  However, did you know that only 2 of the 3 have beards?  Sure you did.  But I bet you didn't know that the one guy who doesn't have a beard is named Frank Beard. 

See?  Beards are funny. 

How about this.  The school BYU in the states has a zero tolerance no-beard policy.  Its a clean leaving, proper decorum thing.  BYU is named after Brigham Young, the president of the Latter Day Saints, was the governor of Utah and was the founder of Salt Lake City.  So his school's no-beard policy must be a reflection of him, right?

Brigham Young.

Beards are funny that way.

Some of the most honest, most trustworthy, most creative people in history have had beards.  Abraham Lincoln.  Leonardo DaVinci. Steve Jobs.  The prophet Muhammad.  Jesus. 

Which brings me back to the honest, trustworthy and creative Will.  I asked him at the 'meet the team night', to tell me something interesting about his beard.  Something I could write a little bit about.  I got more than I expected.  Will sent me a note, "I sometimes hide things in my beard, would that work?"

Ya.  Beards are funny.  Tell me what you've got.  Will sent me pictures.  Really, not at ALL what I expected. 

This is Will storing Bows for Jo.  That's good husbanding. 

This is Will supplying his own candles for his 19th birthday.  When you legally go to a bar for the 1st time, its always cool to do something memorable.  Mission accomplished. 

You many not recognize this right way, but Will has 12 pieces of Salt Water Taffy in his beard.  He claims that he always brings enough for everyone on the team, but no one ever seems to want a piece.

Will is busy.  He's all over the outfield running like a demon.  He hits, runs the bases and scores runs.  When he's not doing all of those things, he's coaching 3rd or 1st.  He is a BUSY guy!  But still, all those things considered, he'll sit on the bench when he gets a second, pull out a crayon and colour us a picture. 

The man has a gift.  Just resign yourself to that fact.  Did you know for instance that Will made an adult sized chesterfield completely out of lego?  True story.   He's also known to carry lego in his beard for those spur of the moment projects. 

Lights aren't working Keogh?  No sweat. 

Will's obsessive compulsive cleanliness is a double edged sword.  Sure, he always smells like Old Spice Fiji on the bench, but honestly, the guys are getting a little tired of the offers for Q-tips. 

 Snack?  Will always has spaghetti!

 The Grisslies can always share drinks because Will has straws at the ready. 

The tooth-pic stunt earned Will the nickname "the Porcupine". 

I know that you're thinking that these umbrella's are for drinks at the Legion.  You couldn't be more wrong.  While he doesn't like to talk about it, Will suffers from Ombrophobia which is the uncontrollable fear of rain.  If there is even the slightest threat in the sky, out come his umbrellas.

And then of course, we have Will's go-to snack.  Gummy-Beards!

This Week's Games


Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Week 1 - 2015, BLOG Edition

The Conversation

For those of you new to the BLOG, the conversation (usually between me and Rob) tends to appear pretty often.  Sometimes they're 100% true.  Sometimes they're 100% made up.  Usually its about 50% true with the swear words (mine) removed and a little enhanced.  I always let people determine for themselves what is true or not.

This one however; is surprisingly accurate.

647-528-9669:  i GOts a neW phne!
Doug: Congratulations.  Who are you?
647-528-9669:  itssss me!
Doug: Ya.  I know that YOU know its you, but I don't know who you are.  You just show up as a phone number.
647-528-9669:  o
647-528-9669:  its the pPresdenant and CEo of the GrissliES!
Doug: Ahhhhh.  Okay Rob, I'll save your address.
647-528-9669:  you no where i live
Doug: I'll save it in my phone
Rob: ok.  are you donE yet?
Doug: yep, but it doesn't matter, you can still txt while I'm doing other stuff. 
Rob:  really?
Doug: LOL, ya.  
Rob:  love you too.
Doug: ?
Rob:  love you too.
Doug: okay.   Where did that come from? 
Rob:  LoL means Lots Of LovE, right?
Doug: hahahaha.  No.  It means Laugh Out Loud.  
Rob:  I'm liTerally L'ing out L right now.
Doug: You may need to practice the texing acronyms.  
Rob:  like what?
Doug: OMG
Rob:  o MY god.
Doug: right.  What about WTF
Rob:  Why ThE face?
Doug: No.  It means What The f**k
Rob:  can you swear on this?
Doug: You have to know your audience, but sure. 
Rob:  Fluking A
Rob:  Flicking
Rob:  ficking
Rob:  Funking A
Doug: I get it 
Rob:  fulkinng A
Doug: let it go.....
Rob:  why do the words keep changing?
Doug: its the auto correct feature.  
Rob:  that's a feature?  do i pay exTra for that?  i'm going to cancl that and get the wrslting channel on my phne.
Doug: Comes with the phone.  Has a camera too.  
Rob:  flunck off.
Doug:  LOL
Rob:  I know that one!!!!
Doug: Okay, txt some else, I've gotta make dinner. 
Rob:  Okay.  LOL for now.
Doug: It means Laugh Out Loud.  
Rob:  oH right.  I forgot.

(Remember when phones were actually meant for cars?)

one hour Later

Rob:  Hey
Doug:  No one to talk to?
Rob:  Yes.  bUT I have a question
Doug: sure. 
Rob:  what does idk mean?
Doug: I Don't Know.
Rob:  That's what Doris said too.
Doug:  He's right. 
Rob:  So who would know?
Doug:  know what?
Rob:  what IDk means?
Doug: ????
Rob:  what?
Doug: I already told you what it means.  
Rob:  I missed that.  
Rob:  O!!!  I have a text coming in, I'm goiNG to have to put you on hold.
Doug: There is no 'hold'.  
Doug: ughhhh, never mind.

Yep, the 1st flip! (AKA, Rob McCarron's phone)

Ten Minutes Later

Rob:  I can't find my new Penis
Doug:  Excuse me?
Rob:  Fruck....Uggh.  I can't find my new BASEBALL PENIS
Doug:   Not any better.
Doug: hmmmm, yelling doesn't appear to be helping either.  
Rob:  P
Rob: U
Rob: M
Rob: A
Rob:  S
Doug:  You can't find your new white baseball Pumas?
Rob:  Penis!!!! Yes!!!
Rob:  Ugh.
Doug:  LOL

This looks Soooooo convenient!

30 minutes later

Rob:  I'm back.
Doug: Goodie.
Rob:  any luck fiGuring out what IDK means?
Doug: I told you.  It means "I" "D"on't "K"now.  
Rob:  oooooooooooooooooooooooh.  I get it now. let me try. 
Doug: ???????
Rob:  It means,.....opps, getting a txt, i'''m really popular.  back soon.

I think this was on MASH

30 Minutes Later

Rob:  Hey, i'm back.
Doug: what are you doing?
Rob: Jerkin hard.
Doug:  ? ? ? you know its Doug, right ? ? ?
Rob:  WORKIN' 
Rob:  Stupid texting machine.

predates DownTown Billy Brown

One Hour Later

Rob:  I'm back.
Doug:  How did you live this long without a phone?
Rob:  I know!!!!!!  I eventook it to the bathroom!
Doug: so what was that long acronym?
Rob:  It statds fro I Am Really LOOKing Forward To THe Baseball Season ARe You?
Doug: so.....that's not really an acronym.  You can't just shorten everything you type down to the 1st letter and think people will understand it.
Rob:  I thought that was the policy.
Doug: Not really.  There's no policy.  There's just a common set of short forms.  Stuff like LOL, BTW, IDK, and others.  
Rob:  ok then. You're so LOL
Doug: I don't think i've seen an acronym used out of context before. 
Rob:  Stop!  You're killng me!  You are  SOOOOO LOL
Doug: Okay then.  TTYL (talk to you later)
Rob:  Okay.  TTYL (talk to you later) too!
Doug: Good lord. 
Rob: you too

One Hour Later

The classic, my 1st phone.  Its nearly paid for

Rob:  I'm done
Doug: calling it a night?
Rob:  ya.  Just finished masturbating.  It makes me so relaxed.  I fall asleep way easier. 
Rob:  FRUNCK!!!  I meant MENSTRUATING!!!
Doug: I find that no less awkward. 
Rob:  Meditating.  Medi frickin tating.
Doug: I see
Doug: I think you've flucnked us all.  TTYL
Rob: TTYL (talk to you later) too.


Again, for those of you new to the BLOG..... The song started as Rob's inspirational speech to the team before every game.  Its evolved over the years.  There's some good ones....and....some not so much. However; love it or hate it, the song is leaving as a permanent fixture of the BLOG.  The truth is that it is the most time consuming part of this whole enterprise and it only has a small (and loyal) audience, so its an easy time recovery opportunity.

So, that being said, there will be a song under the following conditions:
1.  when something presents itself too me and just needs to be done!
2.  if I find myself with sufficient slack time to try and be somewhat creative.
3.  if someone submits a song, I'm happy to give them credit and cut & paste it into the BLOG.

Today's song stems from an email conversation between myself, Mr Dancey and Mr Hopkins.  

(to the tune of I Am The Walrus)

I am he as you are he as you are me and we are all together.
See how they run like Dwyer from a liner see how he fly.
I'm Howling.

Sitting on a bleacher, waiting for the team to come.
Hot Tub Woody's tee-shirt, stupid bloody Tuesday.
Man, we're never gonna have a rut, gonna kick some Unit's butt.
I am the Danceman, they are not the Danceman.
I am the walrus, coo coo ca chew!

Kevin "skippy" Cavalier is running
Pretty little runs on the score sheet in a row.
See how they fly like Tristan in the Sky, see how they run.
I'm writing, I'm scoring.
I'm jeering, I'm crying.

Grey shirted Grisslies, Timmy Two Beers no longer on their side.
Troy Hope's wheels, Gord Dol's glove,
Boy, Gee will hit it up the middle and leave Farah with his knickers down.
I am the Danceman, they are not the Danceman.
I am the walrus, coo coo ca chew!

Sitting in Coventry garden waiting for the sun.
If the sun don't come, Dickson will laugh
From the stream of jokes from Caldwell's mouth.
I am the Danceman, they are not the Danceman.
I am the walrus, coo coo ca chew!

Expert text pert choking smokers,
Don't you think the joker laughs at you?
See how they run like Dwyer from a liner see how he fly.
I'm Howling.

Then the Master Batters, Might have to give Lenny the start.
Doesn't really matter, I could start Larkin.
Man, you should have seen Fast Eddy's face light up.
I am the Danceman, they are not the Danceman.
I am the walrus, coo coo ca chew!


Welcome to the league Superior Battsmen!

The Grisslies started slowly but made up for it with some truly uninspired play in the middle innings!  We did close to get within three and ultimately fall 16-11.

Rookie Les Vadja had is first career hit, run and RBI in this game.  Way to go!
I'm on pace to score 52 runs and have 52 errors.  Excellent.
Rob is on pace for 52 strikeouts and 52 walks.  Swell.
Brad Smith is on pace for 25 more broken feet.
Rick Lyon on pace for personally breaking the record for most jugs in a season by a team.
Rod Duggan on pace to tell guys to just "shake it off" 10,400 more times
Will Goodin on pace for turning 26 home runs into 26 triples
Joel Hodge is on pace for 52 more fist fights with Tom Ball.

Great start fellas.

More after the Woody's game on Thursday