We're throwing a little change up to this year's edition of "BOLD PREDICTIONS". There will still be a guest reviewer (Lance Armstrong) from outside the league and there will still be some degree of statistical analysis that won't amount to a hill of beans; but I've also asked a few people from around the league to weigh in with their opinions on the strengths of the various clubs. This week we are happy to be joined by Kevin Boston and Scott Peters.
As usual, there will also be the poll on the far right of your page that will change every week along with the 5 teams that are being reviewed. This week we'll be looking at:
The Beer Bros.
The Blues Brothers
The Brew Jays
The Dislocated Joints and
The Dodge City Rounders
Next week will be:
The Dog Catchers
The Dusty Cleats
The Grisslies
The Draft Kings and
Gruesome Devils
And the final grouping will be:
The Hot Tub Woody's
The Hurtin' Units
The Red Dogs
The Rusty Rebels and
The Tap Masters
Now to explain the Poll. We are looking for predictions on who you think will make it into the top 6 of the league final standings. If its one team, vote for them. If its more than one you can select as many as you want. So why the top 6? Well in the playoffs the top 3 play four home playoff games. The teams ranked 4 - 6 play three out of four at home. Does it matter? Who knows. Last year the top 6 produced the following results: 1. Championship Finals, 2. Quarter Finals, 3. Eliminated Saturday, 4. Semi Finals, 5. Champions, 6. Quarter Finals. To me that's a pretty good result overall and would seem to speak to the top 6 mattering a bit.
I will throw in the "grain of salt" precaution as always. We have balanced teams. But we all have different ways of evaluating, speed, arms, power, average and other things which leads to slight variations. Then we have the 'how they gel' factor. At the end of the day this is only supposed to be fun. So lets see what our experts say!
Kevin Boston: There will definitely be some beers among these brothers this season. The 2013 Beer Brothers squad are comprised of a solid bunch of guys who enjoy the game. On the field, they will be good up the middle on defense with Jerry on the mound and Doyle and Ross at short and second. Opposing defenders will have to be on their toes with the BB’s offensive lineup led by McCarron, Ross, Piellusch, Doyle while guys like Kapp, McKendrick and Bales will be deadly to round out their order.
Scott Peters: 2012 = .630 OBP
2 rookies
Jerry Wallace factor (great pitcher, .625 hitter over 5 years)
McCarron, Piellusch = Good core Outfield
Doyle, Ross, Kapp = Infield OR Outfield - nice problem to have
Explosive offensive potential - don't wake the sleeping lion
Lance Armstrong: I have a training program for this Doyle guy that would probably see him get back into the top 25. I don't advocate cheating, but this team needs a transfusion.
Doug Dwyer: The core looks strong offensively and defensively. Wolfe and Sheehan are 'wait and see' but history says that when you get two rookies, at least one is better than advertised. Kapp brings speed on the bases and capable defense. I love the Martin Ranby, Al Bales, Dave Fleming and Dave McKendrick combo. Lets call them M.A.D.D. Good heady ball players and great team guys.
The Blues Brothers
Kevin Boston: Incoming “rookie” Captains Tessier and Barlow invested in off-season scouting when they drafted this team. The Blues Brothers’ have a great combination of defense and offense throughout their lineup. Starting at third base, Ingo and Fraser offer a platoon while Clark and Mason are up the middle followed by the platoon of Tessier and Barlow at first. On the mound, Big Red is a tough pitcher and is quick on D. Fielders like Argue, McDonald, Bickford and Boston will provide a good core. At the plate, there shouldn’t be much singing of the blues with an offense led by Clark, Mason, Boston and Argue.
Scott Peters: 2012 = .681 OBP
1 rookie
Mason, Tessier = Excellent Short - First combo
Argue = Infield OR Outfield and can even pitch
Boston, Bickford, Clark = Solid Outfield
Not the fastest team, overall OBP may be elevated by fielders choice?
Quiet leadership with Clark, Argue, Barratt, Bartens
Can they gel?
Lance Armstrong: A shortstop would help. Holy crap, does no one else see the gaping hole in this defense? May I suggest an upgrade and move Cam to short? I'd rather have a lefty with an arm than a guy who refers to the pitcher as the "relay man" on throws to first.
Doug Dwyer: I think distributing this line up is key. Jim MacDonald has long been one of my favourite hitters and he could drive in a lot of runs with Clark, Mason and Boston in front of him. Don't fall asleep on Argue, he'll play anywhere and play well and he has a knack for getting the big hit. Ingo, Fraser, Bicky and the captains are all solid hitters that play to the situation. I agree that overall team speed is low, but the baseball IQ on this club is very high.
The Brew Jays
Kevin Boston: With three rookies on the Brew Jays this season, it will be an interesting year. As we have seen in the past, rookies help push teams beyond expectations. Veteran Captains Niederhuber and Duggan kick start an offense with reliable McCullough. Speedy fielders Osmond and Sullivan will also help on the bases and track down those gappers.
Scott Peters: 2012 = .655 OBP
3 rookies = big unknown
Duggan, McCullough = good infield
Allan = very underrated player
Beatty = solid OBP when in attendance
Hardy = sophomore jinx?
Two Tims = can steal a few games for you
Lance Armstrong: Knowing this team their 3 rookies will probably turn out to be this years Gord Robinson, Brad Young and Will Goodin. Lets face it, for 3 years this team has been mashing the ball. Until they prove otherwise I fully expect to see DeSavoy and Osmond go yard.
Doug Dwyer: Totally unpredictable with the rookie content making up a quarter of the club. For the 'known' content, its a great combination of good character and good athletes. Beatty's bat is a beast. Hardy, Sullivan and Osmond are all 'speed and full effort' type guys. McCullough is a proven tournament pitcher who should adjust well and quickly to pitching regularly in the league. The captains are good to play with & against, they 'get it'. Might be a different year for the Jays who are used to contending for 1st, but when this team does gel, and they will, watch out!
The Dislocated Joints
Kevin Boston: Downtown Billy Brown and Terry Doucet did well at this year’s draft by landing the Bash Brothers Moon and Kahuna. Look for a lot of offense with those two guys banging in runners like Moye and the ever reliable Foersters. Question marks about the infield may come up but with the amount of leadership on this team, no one should be worried.
Scott Peters: 2012 = .658 OBP
1 rookie
Moon, Foerster, Rose, Burton = huge power!
Rose = can also pitch if needed
Not sure if the infield is set, may be the achilles
Will Doucet remember to bring the equipment?
Not looking forward to playing this team at Keogh
Lance Armstrong: I feel sorry for Brad Moye. The next shortest guy on the team is about 6 foot 3. Good luck on the "tree team"!
Doug Dwyer: On paper, this looks like the easiest team to position. They seem to all fall nicely into place. If Matt continues to hit like he did last year in the playoffs he will finish in the top 5 in batting. Add that to Moon's resurgence and Kahuna and Doucet's reliable bats and it takes the pressure off of everyone else. I would expect a quick start for this club because there's not a lot of guess work in where people are playing. There should be comfort almost immediately.
The Dodge City Rounders
Kevin Boston: Like the Emperor in Star Wars, Al Fry has recruited his young Jedi Knight, The Beechey, to be his apprentice. The power of the Dark Side on this team will give them pop in their bats with guys like Peters, Dell, The Beechey and rookie McKibbon. Go-to-Gaudet is always reliable for defense and timely hits. Mabee and Steeves offer this team depth and will be counted on in many games to push their team to a lot of W’s.
Scott Peters: 2012 = .662 OBP
2 rookies
2, 3, 4 hitters in line-up returning from last year
Gaudet = one of the best pitchers in the league
Who's going to play shortstop?
Decent speed = may be what wins games for this team
Not sure about depth, break-out years might be required
Lance Armstrong: Peters is still in the league? That'll drag a team down. Watch out for Idaho. He's the only guy in the league who can hit a triple and have time to stop for a smoke and tie his shoe at second base.
Doug Dwyer: One of my most improved player candidates is on this club. I think this a break out season for Brett Mabee. He's likely the answer at shortstop and being surrounded by awesome hitters will elevate his average. Its a talented but quiet team. You might only hear Gaudet and The Beechey from time to time.
Lance Armstrong making predictions on the TOT? Like The Joker said in Batman..."Who ya gonna trust!?"
Holy crap... Is that Peters guy still playing!! He's like a dinosaur out there!! Hope Dodge isn't expecting too much from him, his walker might hold him back this year!! Blues boys are ready pounce, watch out for Boston and Mason, they are determined too reunite there smokies past!! Could be an interesting year when they face Dodge and the Drag Queens!!!
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