My thanks to the Dusty Cleats for two reasons. First they consented to play an exhibition game with us to stay loose on the off week. I say 'with' rather than against because we mixed up the teams and made it a fun night. It was great.
Secondly and more importantly....I dun got got!. The Cleats (suspecting the captains) dug out a BLOG from last year called, "Before You Play the Cleats". In honor, or dishonor perhaps, of that BLOG the Dusty Cleats all showed up sporting various goofy neck ties! You see the BLOG featured an assortment of idiotic ties and may have referenced who should be wearing them. There may have been a Dusty Cleat or two mentioned in the list. Additionally, they made a 5 foot (est) sign saying "fit to be tied".
Clever and cool boys. Thanks for bothering to do that. That's why I'm declaring you as the favourites to win it all.
Ha! Made you look! There will be no such predictions from me this year (although side bets are welcome). Instead, I will just lay out the info by pool and you can all decide who you like. Please do this BEFORE calling your bookie. They aren't big fans of waiting for you to digest all the info before betting.
Before we do this, here is a brief explanation of the categories.
First up is the team name
Second is the season record and where it ranks (wins only, not points)
Third is the same but only for the 1st 12 games
Fourth is the same but only for the last 12 games
Fifth is runs scored for the year and six and seven break it down between the 1st half and second half of the season. The same is done for runs against and +/-.
Then we have the record for the Pool. This is the combined record of every team in the pool EXCEPT the one being evaluated. Then we have 'record against level'. If your pool (minus your team) was .500, then this would indicate what your record was this year against all teams who finished the season at or over .500.
And then finally we have the head 2 head record within the pool.

Robin is the best pitcher evar!
Robin is a great pitcher, no one and I mean know one could hit him. not even his own team
Robin can do great work with pitcher. He is better than Houdini. And he can do it muliple times. He has stamina. I've seen it first hand at the players lounge.
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