Alternate title: In go-d We Trust.
Ingo Bartens was a Grisslie last year and this. I took a few little good natured jabs at him last year, but really, there isn't a heck of lot to pick on him about. Plus there is the fact that he thinks that the Internet is an international spy agency, so its not like he'll EVER read what I write.
The amount of research that went into finding ANYTHING on Ingo was outrageous. Its a lot easier when people give me a story that I can run with and maybe enhance a little. This one sadly, is all true.
Ingo (I'm sure you've all wondered this) is a German name. Well sort of. Ingo is usually only 'part' of a name. The "ING" part is actually a reference to an ancient god. I read tons on this but I'll try to summarize. The Danes (Denmark) and the Angles and Jutes (Germany) shared a common ancestry and shared the same general territory although they were largely nomadic people. In general they were sea faring people who lived off of the rugged North Sea. Got it? Their common god was Ing.
Now Ing or Ingo usually has a suffix, like Ingold, (Ruling god), Ingolf (Wolf god), Ingomar (Famous god) or Ingoblad (Courageous god).
And there ends today's history lesson.
What I was able to discover about OUR Ingo is that his full name is actually Ingofische, which translated literally from the ancient Germanic-Jutish means "god of fishing". So his name is a real heritage thing. And I mean thousands of years heritage, a throwback to a nomadic age when people had to fight for survival against the Vikings and Norse to get their share of good eats from the North Sea.
I think the cool part is that Ingofische lives the name too. He's long been know as an avid fisherman. People often ask Ingofische where he made his fortune. While he's a little too shy to admit it, Ingofische was able to retire and dedicate himself to the oldtimers league after making, designing and marketing a series of clever fishing novelty items which are pictured below:
The very life like "Drinking Bass", wine bottle holder.
The, always in style, flailing fish mailbox.
Every woman's dream, the spawning salmon comforter.
Now our Ingofische is a clever man and he made sure to read up on the depth requirements and degree of entry for the boat before giving it a try. But he was confident and damn-it he came from thousands of years of sea faring stock. If anyone could handle a solo boat launch, it was Ingofische.
Yeah, that's Ingo at the back of the boat
Rob is drained. Back to back nights performing and doing lyrics can take a lot out of a guy! The good news is that no matter how much work there is, no matter how difficult or demanding the task, he is ALWAYS there to deliver 100% effort. Today Robbie reworked REMs "Losing my Religion". I think I like Rob's version much better. Rob sang this as an Ingofische tribute!
Click the song title to hear the tune. (for those of you that don't know this; and I found a least one of you at the tournament on the weekend....its easiest if you right click on the song title and select 'open in another window' from the menu. That way you'll hear the song but still have the BLOG open to read or sing along. I know most of you sing).
The outfield is bigger
It's bigger than you
And you are not me
The lengths that I will go to
The distance I will dive
Oh no I've broke my cup
Hurts to get up
That's me playing deeper
That's me in the spotlight
Making good decisions
Trying to keep up with you
And I know that I can do it
Oh no, here comes a wallop
I need a new cup
I thought that I heard you laughing
I thought that I saw the ball zing
I think I just threw out Al Fry.
I throw crisper
I take every hard 2 hopper
Can throw to any base I reckon
But, hitting the cut off is what I do
Get the lead runner is my rule
Oh no I've broke my cup
I can’t get up
Consider Saunders
The hitter of the century
Consider Casullo
And the hit that brought me to my knees
What if all these hard line drives
Come flailing around
Now I've said too much
I thought that I heard you laughing
I thought that I saw the ball zing
I think I just threw out that Hargreaves guy.
This may have been our best game of the year.
There are really so many moments to savour; its hard to pick just one.
What can I say, it was shaping up as a real pitchers duel, you know baseball; its won and lost between the lines. Rob was really pitching lights out. He had his fastball working. The batters were eating out of his hand. He pitched a gem, really throwing some heat.
And defensively we flashed the leather. Brought 110% and laid it all on the line. We held nothing back, playing for today.
I'm sure that people will be quick to tell me I'm nuts, but the final score surprised me. I thought that it was much closer. Seriously! In fact I thought we played better in this game than we did the night before against the Torn Ligaments.
Tonight, we didn't play lazy, there was good chatter between fielders and very good setup defensively. We caught some tough balls and just misses a few others. We missed a couple of opportunities to turn two, but even then we still made sure of one. The was only one GLARING miss of a cut off man.
Even still, I don't know how we gave up 17.
And offensively, 3? Seriously.
Anyone with batting lineup suggestions, please forward to
You know why their called slumps? Because they don't last forever. We will pull out of this. Some sage advise from Batman would probably help!
How do we order that spawning salmon comforter?
Also I would like 2 Drinking Bass", wine bottle holders.
The drinking bass wine bottle holder is on back order. If you want the comforter, suggest that you check garage sales the 1st saturday after mothers day. Also the best day to pick up slightly dented frying pans.
The picture above is that a newfie boat launch
Robin: “Batman, did you see how the Grisslies played this week?”
Batman: “ sorry ‘ole chum’ , I was away on business”
Robin: ” it looked like they were playing for the first pick overall next year”
Batman: “you mean like the Leafs do?”
Robin: “exactly”
Batman: “well at least Brian Burke isn’t coaching the Grisslies….. so they still have a chance”.
Later, at a secret location:
Cat Woman: “so they don’t appreciate ‘sand angels’, I’ll show them”
Joker: “ you’re much too sensitive, pucker up!!!”
Egg Head: “ ‘egg’zactly what I thought you two would say”
Cat Woman: “ ‘Eggy baby’, you look a lot like Dan Chiasson…..”
Egg Head: “ has anyone seen my razor?.....”
Mr. Freeze: “ copy cat”
Cat Woman: “Meow”
Back at the Bat Cave:
Alfred: “ sir, the president has resigned”
Robin: “ holy mackinaw Batman, who will succeed?”
Batman: “ well Robin, the league was and is well run; Mr. Ross took it to the next level. There might never be a more competent, loyal, dedicated individual out there to take his place”
Robin: “ but Batman, what about the candidates you mentioned to me before?”
Batman: “ you’re right Robin: let the people choose between : 1. Cat Woman
2. Joker
3. Mr. Freeze
Robin: “what if none of them accept? Who will run the league?”
Batman: “ hmmm, how about Alfred (not Joe) if we can keep him off of Aunt Harriat”
Robin: ” caught them last night…it wasn’t pretty……..”.
Batman: “ don’t give me the details……I don’t want to know”.
Batman has had too much to drink tonight.....never post past 9:00 on a Friday night. Make no mistake that even without Ingo the Dusty Cleats are the team to fear come September
So...The Batman responded to the "bat signal" at the end of the BLOG.
We now know that The Batman is not a Grisslie as this lastest entry was issued in the fifth inning of our game. JT? Mrs D? KTurner? Mike O.? Steve Ross? Paul P? Paul H? Is Marky-Mark or Chuck toying with us?
Riddle me this....Is The Batman THAT clever? Or is everyone else THAT slow???
Catwoman: " Joker, we have something in common."
Joker: "What's that, an appetite for distruction?"
Catwoman: "No, No! 'Batman!"
Joker: "Oh, him again. Don't worry he's history. We are going to disassemble is bat mobile and turn it into an 'H' Bomb on wheels!"
Catwoman:"No, No! to distroy Batman we must turn him into what he hates the most!"
Joker: "What would that be?"
Catwoman: "The new Superhero on the street..."PIEMAN!!
Joker: "Hey, why should I trust a cat chick anyways?"
Catwoman: "because I know how to do it... It will be Puuurrrffecct!!
probably the best batman post to date & the man from glad is CLASSIC!!! 2000+ page loads this week can't be wrong! its not just me that admires the handywork. Good work guys and/or girls.
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