Wednesday, June 9, 2010

GAME 6 – Liquor Case

The Intro

Okay…I finally got to the BLOG from last week! Having reread it, I could have done a better job. Alas, I’m a busy guy!

Anyway, seeing as I got so much negative feedback last year when I did top ten lists, I thought I’d fill this section with a list (of sorts).

So this list is a bit of gamble, only being 5 games into the season at the time of writing, but I’m going to attempt to match the personalities of this year’s edition of the Grisslies with song titles. Sure that’s tough enough on its own, but I’m gonna step it up a notch and not just pick songs, but dance songs!

1) Dave Argue - “Vogue”, by Madonna. Who doesn’t think of Dave when you hear the line “I know a place where you can get away, It's called a dance floor, and here's what it's for”.

2) Ingo Bartens - “Everybody Dance Now” by C&C Music Factory. Yep, I was sold the first time I heard him Karaoke to this “And I'm here to combine beats and lyrics, To make you shake your pants take a chance”

3) Kevin Boston - “Getting Jiggy Wit it” by Will Smith. These are actual lyrics, “Bring it. Whoo! Unh, unh, unh, unh. Hoo cah cah. Hah hah, hah hah. Bicka bicka bow bow bow, bicka bow bow bump bump. What, what, what, what. Hah hah hah hah. Unh”. Now admit it, who hasn’t had that EXACT same conversation in the Legion with Radar?

4) Danny Chaisson - “I’m Too Sexy” by Right Said Fred. Whenever I see Danny doing his ‘Danny Style’ in the outfield, I’m reminded of the line “I'm too sexy for my shirt too sexy for my shirt, So sexy it hurts”. It’s not easy being Danny.

5) Piero Del Greco - You gotta kick it a little old school for Piero because he actually was one of the ‘club kids’ at Paparazzi back in the day. Although I could go with Wang Chung, Morris Day and the Time or Herbie Hancock, I’m going to go with “Low Rider” by WAR. This is the line I keep hearing with he drives by in his fancy monster truck, “Low rider drives a little slower, Low rider is a real goer.” Questions?

6) Doug Dwyer - “Poison” by Bel Biv Devoe”.

7) Rob Farah - “Le Freak” by Chic. If you haven’t had the pleasure of watching Rob spin around on his deck on a Friday night singing, “All that pressure got you down, Has your head spinning all around, Feel the rhythm, check the ride Come on along and have a real good time”.

8) Brett Mabee - Yeah, I think Brett might actually beat me up one of these days so I better pick a good one. How about “I love the Nightlife” by Alicia Bridges? Its kinda his theme song really, “I love the nightlife, I got to boogie, on the disco ‘round.” I gotta find those dance pictures from last year’s gala banquet!

9) Tim Osmond - Obviously, Puppy Love by Donny Osmond. Clearly the lyrics, “I cry each night my tears for you, My tears are all in vain” are nothing short of classic. You might not think of this as a true dance song, but perhaps you haven’t heard the extended reggae remix with Dean Beck Ford! Tell me you can’t get your groove on to that tune!

10)Simon Smith – “Love Song” by Sky. Not to be confused with “Love Song” by The Cure. You’ll immediately recognize the lyrics, “We think he's alive but the flies make me wonders why, It's never ending Pile I'm raking”. They remind me of how lonely Simon looked in Right Field last Monday. Poor guy.

11)Calvin Steeves - “Situation” by Yaz from the the upstairs at Eric’s album. Yes, album. This is from when music was ONLY available on plastic and AM radio. “I remember only for an hour, Move right through me can you feel the power, I don’t know what’s going on, It scares me but it won’t take long. Cal can ‘break dance’ to this which will be a treat to watch later in the summer.

12)Greg Tracey - Greg, Greg, Greg. You leave yourself open when you miss games! We are 1-0 when Greg is away. For Greg, the Go-G0’s classic, “Vacation”. “Vacation, All I ever wanted. Vacation, Had to get away”.

Poke Her Face

I wanna hit em' like they do in Skydome please
Sorry, “the Rogers Centre”, same crap but different name (I love it)
Luck and intuition nail the ball the outfielders will part
And the ball I’ve struck will go straight up the heart

Oh, oh, oh, oh, ohhhh, oh-oh-e-oh-oh-oh
I'll nail my shot, show them what we’ve got
Oh, oh, oh, oh, ohhhh, oh-oh-e-oh-oh-oh,
We hit our shot, we know it won’t be caught

Now open my,
Now open my,
Now open my, liquor case
(We’ve got some for everybody)

Now open my,
Now open my,
Now open my, liquor case
(We’ve got some for everybody)

L-L-L-Liquor case, L-L-Liquor case(Mum mum mum mah)
L-L-L-Liquor case, L-L-Liquor case(Mum mum mum mah)

Dave and Brett on the corners, what a hard pair they will be
With Simon you can gun it over hard you will see (He gloves it)
In the place of Danny’s right arm they’ve put a gun
And baby when Timmy wipes the outfield, its rough, but that’s the fun,

Oh, oh, oh, oh, ohhhh, oh-oh-e-oh-oh-oh
I'll nail my shot, show them what we’ve got
Oh, oh, oh, oh, ohhhh, oh-oh-e-oh-oh-oh,
We hit our shot, we know it won’t be caught

Now open my,
Now open my,
Now open my, liquor case
(We’ve got some for everybody)

Now open my,
Now open my,
Now open my,
liquor case
(We’ve got some for everybody)

L-L-L-Liquor case, L-L-Liquor case(Mum mum mum mah)
L-L-L-Liquor case, L-L-Liquor case

I won't tell you I’ll just glove you
You’re out, does it bug you?
Cause I'm bluffin' and your huffin
I'm not lying I'm just sayin’ from Keogh park you will be running
Just like a Del Greco with a banjo
You will be anxious for the clubhouse
I promise this, promise this
The Gris will win and that’s not bogus.

Then you’ll
Open my,
Now open my,
Now open my, liquor case
(We’ve got some for everybody)

Now open my,
Now open my,
Now open my, liquor case
(We’ve got some for everybody)

L-L-L-Liquor case, L-L-Liquor case(Mum mum mum mah)
L-L-L-Liquor case, L-L-Liquor case

The Game

And for the second game in a row....what a game it was!

We had 2 players get three hits, 2 player get 2 hits and everyone else had one.  The big offensive hero of the night was Ingo Bartens who had 3 hits as well as driving in 3 runs.   On a night you score only seven runs total, Ingo was HUGE part of the offense.

Then there was the defense.  The defense was (admitedly) not qute as crisp as last week, but it was killer overall.  There probably aren't more than 2 or 3 plays that we'd like to have do-overs with as a team.  Again, the outfield and infield defense seem to have a really good chemistry.

Tim and Radar connected well over the middle on several exchanges and Dave was rock solid, particularly on one liner that damn near killed him!  Danny made couple of 'gunslinger' style catches with his glove at his hip that had the fans 'ouwing' and 'awing'.

We headed out to play defense in the bottom of the seventh inning with a 7-6 lead.  The first batter hit a screamer to left that Greg made a fine catch on.  The next batter grounded back to Rob who threw to Ingo at 1st for the out.  Rob then went 0-2 on the next batter and after two attempts to strike him out on long pitches, he gave him one to hit.  A fairly routine ground out to second ended the game and presevered the win!

Its easy to be proud of this team on rookie night!  Oh, yes it was rookie night.  Greg and Tim were great sports!  Although there was no lipstick, we did have a wig and a pair of pink sunglasses! 

And for those of you who are curious, the rookies held up their end of the bargain from all sides!  They bought their rookie night pitcher after the game!  The dressed appropriately and most importantly contributed to the game! The only concern (which I'll admit that Radar brought up) was that Tim looked a little 'too' comfortable in the wig!

See you Thursday when the Grisslies try to inch above the .500 mark!!!!


Anonymous said...

I thoght hazing went out in the 80's


FROM THE GAME2 BLOG: "We're not allowed to call it “hazing” anymore; not since the incident with Dave Argue, the goat and the peanut butter sandwich back in '98" - For details on that, you'll have to follow up with Dave himself.

Anonymous said...

Its not called "hazing"
We refer to it as Grissing

Anonymous said...

Robin: "what's hazing Batman?"
Batman: "its something that usually happens at the 'Farahs every Friday nite."
Robin: "what happens"
Batman: "someone (usually Rob) dresses up in a PINK shirt and LARGE PINK glasses, and after a few drinks starts dancing and dreams of being carried off the field to the sound of 'we are the champions' "
Robin: "Batman, I've seen Rob dressed like that at Coventry before"
Batman: "I know Robin, and he was singing too...right?"
Robin: "Holy makinaw Batman, how'd you know?"
Batman:" he shattered the glass in the Bat mobile"
Robin: "that bad eh?"
Batman" didn't know you were Canadian ", "anyway to the bat cave, I'll introduce you to Cat Woman"
Robin: "bin there, done that"
Batman" perrrrfect"