The Banquet
First off, thanks to all those who were involved with the banquet. The setup crew, the cleanup crew, the ladies who did a magnificent job making the place look fantastic, the bar staff, the DJ and catering. Having had some time to review, I'm as thrilled as I was with it when I was there.
Everything, in my humble opinion was an improvement from last year! The music was loud when it needed to be, nice during dinner, we could hear the speeches, I got rare roast beef (YaY!) and there was PIE!!!
The awards were crisp and smooth. It was a nice touch to see the ladies had introduced an Alicia Goulter Memorial Award. It was cool that the guys had last seasons winners present awards to this years recipients.
It went so smoothly that no one even noticed that the beer cooler was broken!
I know that they'll both say that there tons of other people involved, but my utmost respect to the league presidents Kathy Barratt and Steve Ross. You listened to last years issues, met them head on and made a good night a great night! Tipping my cap (literally - I really did).
The Donini Deck
Well this is it for the Donini Deck for a while, never really know for sure. This somewhat lackluster conversation took place on the Tuesday after the banquet.
Doug: Robert! What the hell have you done?
Rob: What are you talking about?
Doug: This online petition for a BLOG. What were you thinking?
Rob: I don't understand what the problem is. Its the off season. You've got nothing to do. Write a friggin' BLOG.
Doug: Nothing to do. Do you have any idea how many things I've had on my plate?
Rob: Nope. And I can do you one better.
Doug: How's that?
Rob: Not only do I not know, but I don't care either.
Doug: Great. Well this emergency BLOG pressure was a bad idea.
Rob: Why?
Doug: Because I can't be funny 'on demand'. Its hard enough during the season
Rob: Hahahahaha. You actually think you're funny during the season. Priceless.
Doug: You are a mean man. Just, give me something to run with.
Rob: What do you mean?
Doug: What's going on? Tell me a story.
Rob: Oh. I don't have any stories really. Just write something about the banquet. Write about my trophy!!!
Doug: You didn't get a trophy.
Rob: That's not how I remember it.
Doug: Really?
Rob: Because Chiasson was over the day and congratulated me on my "Nobel Prize for Flatulence".
Doug: I doesn't mean what you think it means.
Rob: I think flatulence is like a life-time achievement thing.
Doug: Smells about right.
Rob: What's up with you anyway? You've been off the radar for weeks. I don't see you around Grisslieland anymore, you're starting to become like a social piranha.
Doug: Ya. I've noticed I'm becoming a real flesh eating fish from the Amazon.
Rob: Agreed.
Doug: Its Pariah Rob. Social Pariah. Not piranha.
Rob: Agree to disagree.
Doug: Good god.
Rob: So I've been thinking about some new things we can do with the team next year!
Doug: What are you planning?
Rob: Well first off, I think we need to dial back a bit. We didn't win the NELLIE this year, so it seems like people aren't digging our antics so much any more. We'll just go a little more mellow. So on opening night, we'll get rid of the traditional rocket, fire works and National anthem and we can have the team pledge allegiance to The Rob.
Doug: Should go over really well.
Rob: Game 2 we can get spray cans of whip cream and we call spread it over our mouths and have 'fake rabies' night! No one on the other team would want to be at first base next to a guy with rabies. We'll win that one for sure.
Doug: That has potential.
Rob: We've talked about super hero night for years. Lets do that game 3.
Doug: Okay. Everyone comes dressed as their favourite super hero. I like it.
Rob: And we'll all jump off the back rail of the bleachers at Keogh at the start of the game.
Doug: The high ones?
Rob: Yeah.
Doug: We'll break every ones legs.
Rob: No. Idiot. We'll be super heroes!
Doug: Right.
Rob: Game 4 is Rebel night.
Doug: Celebrating the Rusty Rebels championship. Nice.
Rob: No. Real Rebels.
Doug: Who are real rebels? Is this a Star Wars thing? Something from the American Civil war?
Rob: No. Its an us thing. The Grisslies. We are going broadcast a Major League Baseball game on a screen during our game!
Doug: How is that rebellious?
Rob: Because we're going to do it without getting the expressed written consent of Major League Baseball!
Doug: Wow. You're causing waves now!
Rob: Wait until game 6. We're going to have "With all due respect night".
Doug: Okay, this sounds like it has some merit.
Rob: Yeah. We can insult anyone we want as long as we say, "with all due respect in front of it". Like, with all due respect Doug, if the league had an "all-ugly" all star team, you'd be the captain".
Doug: I don't think that "with all due respect" works like diplomatic immunity.
Rob: Why don't you let me worry about being diplomatic, I have a strong track record. We'll clean things up in game 7 with Culture night.
Doug: Okay, this one I like.
Rob: I think we do a tribute to the native Canadians.
Doug: Good for you! Great idea!
Rob: Ya. We'll have Tandoori chicken, beef Vindaloo, maybe some Naan bread. It'll be the talk of the town.
Doug: Seriously?
Rob: Spread your wings Dwyer. Don't be afraid to embrace a little culture.
Doug: I think you've got the wrong "Indians".
Rob: You mean like I'm thinking Cree but cooking Ojibwa?
Doug: No. Like you're thinking Cree but cooking Punjabi.
Rob: Don't know that tribe. Sounds like they're from the down east. Maybe Nova Scotia.
Doug: Keep going east.
Rob: Whatever. So we'll stop after 7 games.
Doug: And this is dialing it back?
Rob: Yep. I told you. Low key.
Doug: Well next year's team might be a little disappointed.
Rob: Doubt it. I think we'll focus a little more on baseball.
Doug: End of an era?
Rob: I believe its time.
Doug: Well, it was a good run while it lasted. So before we wrap this up, any other news?
Rob: Nothing big. I just had an appointment with the oncologist.
Doug: What???? Oh my god. Are you okay?
Rob: Relax. I just needed a prescription for my glasses.
Doug: Jesus. You need an assectomy.
Rob: I've already had my tonsils out.
Doug: Perfect way to end the off season.
Rob: Cheers. And you're welcome.
Now for the awards!
Let's start with one of the best. The MSP. The MSP goes to the Most Sportsman like Player. That doesn't necessarily mean the best player on the team. It doesn't mean the worst player on the team. I look at it as the "guy you'd like to most play with again." This is a huge honour because its voted on by your team mates.
MSP WINNERS: (Pictured) Paul Gyori, Al Hayward, Robin Dickson, Downtown Billy Brown, Gord Tanner, Jeff Behan, Ingo Bartens, John Barlow, Peter Hayward, Peter Hollmann and Jerry "Popeye" Muirhead. (Absent) Adrian Barry, Lynn Foerster, Geoff "Yoke" Keogh, Esau Lewin and Chris "the whale" Parsons.
Mike Ellis Trophy: This award goes to the Most Improved Player in the league. It was presented by Dwayne Comer, last years recipient. This year, we had 2 winners for the first time ever! After much conversation it was determined that there just wasn't enough to differentiate between the great strides that Steve DeLand and Troy Hope made this year. Congratulation to you both.
PICTURED: Paul Piellusch, Troy Hope, Dwayne Comer, Steve DeLand, Steve Ross
Colin Mann Award: The Colin Mann Award goes to the player with best On Base Percentage over the course of the season. Steve (Mr.) Lahey's .885 average has only been bested twice and that is by the man he unseated as the 3 time batting champ Scott Barton (.889 & .897). Congratulations Steve!
PICTURED: Steve Lahey, Paul Piellusch, Steve Ross
Playoff Runners Up: A fantastic season from the Dog Catchers ended up with the playoff runner up award. They were in contention for 1st overall throughout the year and then followed it up with a great playoff run. Congratulations to the Dog Catchers. The Award was presented by the captains of last years recipients, the Tap Masters.
PICTURED: Randy Hipkin, Downtown Billy Brown, Bob Candy, Brett Mabee, Larry Turner, Laurier Plante, Jason Bowers and Tim Schrank.
The Royal Canadian Legion Branch 329 Award: This award goes to our regular season league champs. The Tap Masters had a great push at the end of the season and ultimately won a one on one showdown with the Dodge City Rounders to claim the prize. They received the award from the captains of last years winning team, The Draft Kings. Congratulations Tap Masters!
PICTURED: Chuck Cragg, Steve "Stike" Black, Darryl Hager, Tim Schrank, Jeff Buttigieg, Jason Bowers, Jason Jennings and Scott Peters. (Absent) Charlie O'Leary, Gord Tanner, Roger Gaudet, Ryan Feehely, Sandy Bell and Steve Brooks
The Ken Riggs Memorial Award: This is presented annually to the Playoff Champions. Its a tough grind for a week of good competitive ball and this year the Rusty Rebels captured their first crown going 7-0 throughout the playoffs. The Award was presented by last year's Championship captains, the Draft Kings.
PICTURED: Victor Dermott, Don Booth, Stephen Booth, Mark Banks, John Stiff, "Sir" Andy Gee, Martin Ranby, Cliff Tucker, Hugh Armstron, Steve Ross, Peter Hollmann, Steve "Stike Black".
THE DIAMOND AWARD: This Award is presented annually to an individual making a significant contribution to the league as nominated by their peers. Sadly, I don't have a picture of the presentation but I do have a pic of the recipients paying homage to it. This year, for the first time since Al Duchesne and Colin Mann shared the first Award; this honour was split between multiple recipients. Al Bales, Dave Fleming and Doug Dwyer split the award this season. I'm proud to be able enjoy this award with two very worthy recipients in Dave and Al, both of whom did yeoman's work this season.
(Photo added thanks to a submission from Rob Farah (thanks))
PICTURED: Doug Dwyer, Al Bales, Dave Fleming
Or am I?
For those of you who stuck is some bonus coverage. There may have been a few events and awards that you missed at the banquet, let me try to fill you in.
Best Looking: This award was close this year with Bob McCullough narrowly defeating Scott Peters and Mike Iacoucci (its all about the eyes) to win his 7th consecutive award.
The Buffalo Trip Award: No one is allowed to talk about the trip, but Peter Hayward won this trophy but we don't know why.
The riot police were briefly called in when Anicette Goncalves was clowning around.
The Ed McDowell Award for Perfect Hair: Congratulation to Jim Rouleau for his 3rd consecutive award.
The Homer Simpson Donut Award: Congratulations Darrell Hager, you know why. If you can't remember, I think Dude can fill you in. :)
The Toilet Bowl Award: The Hurtin' Units laid claim to this award with their 3-18-1 (.137) record. While this may seem bad, it doesn't hold a candle to the Grisslies 3-20-1 (.125) record the season before.
The Pot of Gold Award: This award goes to Hugh Armstrong and Don Booth of the Rusty Rebels who had the good fortune of drafting Steve Ross and Peter Hollmann. Steve and Peter have a lifetime record of 14-0 in playoff games when they play together. I wouldn't mind winning this award next year.
Then there was brief interlude where will went outside to watch Skippy dance.
This is what Tottenham Road looked like at 1:30 Sunday morning
The T=ball Award: I got this one because I can't even make contact with the ball on a tee.
Okay, I'm pretty sure that's it.
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