Sunday, October 27, 2013

Banquet - 2013

The Banquet!!!

How could you not dig the Banquet?

Its like a ball game because you get to see all your buds.  Its like date night because you have your significant other.  Its like after a ball game because you get to hoist a few pints.  And on top of it all you get to see people in dress shirts, real pants, ties and the occasional suit.  

Oh....despite my best intentions, there was a little wine last night.  Spelling doesn't count, right?


Most Sportsmanlike Player:

Each team elects one player that is acknowledged as their Most Sportsmanlike Player (MSP) for best exemplifying the values of our League; Sportsmanship, Friendship and Fair play.

Here is my spin on this award.  They are as unique as the teams that we have.  You may think at the beginning of the season that a person is 'lock' to win this, but its the character of the team that dictates who takes home the award.  For example, if you have a guy who clowns around and keeps everyone loose and he has already won one or two MSP's, you might think its a sure thing for number three.  Not so much.  If that team already has two or three people of similar character, what the TEAM often gravitates to is the quiet, steady-eddy kind of guy.  You just never know.  Each team has a different need and a different guy to fill it. 

What these folks all have in common with each other is that they are significant to their teams.  "HOW" they are significant takes different forms. 

I start with this award, because I believe its a big deal.  I believe its a true honor because it represents the spirit of our league and how we aim to be perceived as a group.   So please don't take the attempts at humour below as anything diminishing about this prize.  Its certainly not the intention.  Just a little good clean fun. Manny being Manny if you will.

I've said it before, when Rob Hayward tells you that this award is as important to him as winning a championship; you know all you need to know about the kind of people who win it; and about this league.

NOTE:  Embedded in these write ups are brief movie clips.  Some are 30 seconds others are a couple of minutes.  If you click on the picture the movie will play.  Cheers. Hopefully all the links are still active. Also, this was done mostly for Rob Rumboldt who said that "while the blog is funny (usually) it needs more pictures and movies and less big words". 
Beer Bros.                                  Mike Sheehan

It ain't easy being a rookie.  Learning the signs is half the battle.  

The Beer Brothers were pretty much the definition of a streaky team this year.  When they were losing it was ugly.  When they were winning they were amongst the best around.  What surrounded that was Mike.  When he played they tended to play really well.   When he was injured they struggled.  But what really made Mike's season stand out, besides breaking his hand (twice), was that when he was injured he still didn't miss a game!  That's some fantastic team spirit!  Congratulations Mike!  Now just learn the signs will you?
Blues Brothers                          Kevin Boston (Radar)

Kevin is amazing at settling a club down.  Watch how simple suggestion of candlesticks gets everyone back in the right frame of mind to play ball.

Yep, Kevin is the calm in the middle of the storm.  So what is interesting is that Radar's baseball play has gone up year after year, offense and defense.  He was even jacking home runs this year.  He always had the gap power for the inside the park variety, but he was hitting them out with some regularity this season, in the pre-white bat era.  However, what didn't change was the character of a man who has now won this award three consecutive times.  He's calm, supportive, a friend to the vets, an ear for the young guys and never lets competition get in the way of being a good teammate. 

Brew Jays                                Bob McCullough

Bob McCullough is a notoriously good sport.  Pitchers in this league, by default get shelled.  The best of them give up at least 10 runs a game.  You need to forget about it and have a thick skin.  Look how quick Bob was able to shake off this home run by Lahey.  

I've never heard anything but praise for this guy.  Bob made the transition from a top tier shortstop in this league to a top tier pitcher.  Bob had a great season being one of a handful of guys to hit in every game, adjusting quickly to a new position and quickly asserting himself as one of the leagues finest defensive pitchers.  And through it all, whether getting pounded or cruising through the game; he would maintain that air of calm and never rattle.  Even on the occasional rough night, he'd be among the most even keeled players on the field.  Team mates love it when a pitcher can be the rallying point and Bob was that in spades.  Plus he looked pretty damned cool showing up on his motorcycle.  
Dislocated Joints                          Kevin Moon

Kevin is a quiet leader.  But he's not just a baseball guy.  Many know he plays hockey.  But  he was also a bit of trail blazer by introducing male synchronized swimming to the Olympics in 1988 even though by his own admission, he's not "that strong a swimmer".  I have a little bit of the documentary featuring him with a young Dave Argue.  

The Dislocated Joints had quite a run this year AND quite a cast of characters.  I think they had 6 guys on the team that cleared the fence at least once this year.  And there was definitely good comedy on that squad.  And then you had Mooner who may have had his best season since I've been in the league.  He could move around the diamond defensively without a blip in his play.  And he possesses a wry 'matter of fact' sense of humour that always seems to steal the biggest laugh.  Congratulations Kevin, keep wearing the life vest! 
Dodge City Rounders                 Henry Lukassen

Everyone  digs a sense of humour.  Look what happened when The Beechey and Fry tried to organize a 1970's night. 

Dodge City started badly, lost a captain, had multiple players lost to injuries, needed more subs than in any previous year and still managed to get to the semi-finals.  There are a few reasons for this.  A great job from the bench and fill ins, and the steady steady play and sense of calm that emanates from Henry Lukassen.  Henry gets the competitive juices flowing, he wants to contribute for his team mates and does.  But he has perspective that relaxes people.  You can try your hardest, but at the end of the day its still just a game.

Dog Catchers                            Randy Hipkin 

Oh, he walks around the Legion smiling and shaking hands, but those on the Dog Catchers know the REAL Randy Hipkin.  Here is a clip of a speech in the midst of a four game losing streak.  

Okay, not really.  That's kind of the opposite of Randy, but still one of my favorite scenes.  Randy is a really good pitcher.  He's a really good captain.  And he's a really good guy.  He's not adverse to slinging one liners around but he doesn't make the kind of jokes that take skin off.  Just funny, not cutting.  Well done Randal, a richly deserved reward!

Draft Kings                           Al Nicholl (Bones)

He isn't just a nice guy, he's a great player to have on your squad!  I happen to have some footage of one of Bones's more spectacular plays while catching this season.  This is an amazing play, I think it was against the Red Dogs. 

Ok, I'll say it.  If the Draft Kings don't have Bones, they don't win the championship.  You could say that for a lot of guys on the club I suppose.  He was the MVP (named by me) of the Quarter Final game against the Joints going 3/3 with a single, double and triple and 3 runs scored.  Clutch.  He has high expectations of himself and he delivers when it matters.  But more than this is that he's a gentleman.  Rather, he is a gentle man.  Kind hearted and respectful to all.  My congratulations to you sir!
Dusty Cleats                             Kevin Hollingshead

So, you want to grow up like Kevin, eh?  And just how do you learn to play baseball completely fearlessly?  Well in Kevin's case, its easy if you have a background in doing fearless stunts.  Here's a clip from when he 18 years old.

Sorry about the barfing part.  But you've got to admit that's funny.  And its actually Kevin!!! Fine, its not Kevin.  Rare is it that the 'best player' on the team gets this award.  That's pretty cool when a guy who leads the league in triple plays (defensively), hits moon shots and literally has an arm like Thor's hammer is tapped as being the good guy on the team.  Kevin isn't an in-you-face typ of leader.  He will give advise when asked and his approach always seems quiet mixed with confidence.  Nicely done Kevin 
Grisslies                                     Al Hayward

Al has the wisdom of a sage.  Just look what he did for Derek Jeter.  

Way to go Al!!! Al is our second septuagenarian award winner and that alone is very cool (and probably driving everyone to a dictionary).  Al played Left Field exceptionally well this year.  He also played 3rd exceptionally well.  And first.  And second.  And hit damned close to .700.  Papa Hayward doesn't need to say a word to be a leader.  His attendance was near perfect this season.  The only games he missed were due to taking a friend for treatments.  Isn't that exactly the character we love? No one worth their salt could watch him grind it out and not give their best.  Way to stick it out Al!

Gruesome Devils                            Brian Richards

It was the catch of the year.  I'll say it again.  Brian Richards had the single best outfield catch this year. It looked like this, please forgive the colour; its a little off.  

Wearing the '#1' monicker comes with expectations.  That could change people, make them more stat conscious, more 'me centric', a little impatient with players of lesser ability.  None of those things describe Brian.  He is excellent team mate who thinks 'team' first and about himself last.  Never does he need to be the "star" and when his ability puts him the spotlight he handles with class and grace.  Fantastic job Brian!

Hot Tub Woody's                             Bob Vaughan

Mr Vaughan is our Third pitcher on the list.  He and the distinguished Mr. Hipkin had a brief conversation about the home run hitters in the league early this year.  Based on the last line, Bob may have an issue with Mark Doyle...not sure.  It went something like this.

What a great year for Bob!  The Hot Tub Woody's were part of a cluster of teams in a cluster making a late run at the Draft Kings.  On the baseball side of things, Bob pitched fantastic this year, leading the Woody's to a 5th place finish in total defense.  Aside from the ball, Bob Vaughan brings what may be the sharpest tongue in the league to your dugout.  No one is immune from his commentary and its impossible not to laugh.  The killer one liners are fast and furious.  However, when crossing the diamond he'll always have a quiet, kind word to say.  Congratulations Bob!
Hurtin' Units                                   Rick Lyon

Rick doesn't play catcher too often, but on the occasions that he does, he is a staunch defender of his pitcher.  Check this out.  

Welcome back Rick, we missed you last year!  Its clear how much his personality and efforts were missed as he captured this award in his first season back.  Rick is another one of those comedy kind of guys, but his spin on humour is completely different.  He flips between a "woe is me" mode and slap-stick self deprecating one liners that are reminiscent of Rodney Dangerfield, minus the bug eyes.  Good to have you back!

Red Dogs                                      Peter Hollmann

Peter Hollmann is interesting one in this list of characters.  In the playoffs he was injured and gritted his team forward and was a real inspiration.  I still remember his home run in the 2nd inning of the semi finals against the Tap Masters.  Yes, fortunately I was filming at the time.  

This is a great pick by the Red Dogs.  For my money he's a top tier outfielder.  On top of that he hit .755 with a whopping 43 run scored.  Nice season!  Not bad for a second year guy who didn't know more than a handful of folks before arriving here.  But in two short years he has earned a reputation as someone who plays hard, but plays the right way.  Never would he chastise a player or complain.   How much of a non complainer is he?  In his second season, on the last day of the playoffs; he bothered to mention that we've been spelling his name wrong on the league website and the blog since he'd started playing.  Not complaining, just 'oh, by the way'.  Two "L's" and two "M's".  Who knew?   He is supportive to his mates and leads by example.  And what an example he sets.  Well done Peter!

Rusty Rebels                               Hugh Armstrong

Rare footage indeed!  Where it all began for Mr. Armstrong.  On the sandlot. 

He doesn't read this, right?  No one and I do seriously mean no one can hold a candle to the litany of sarcastic lines that uttered by Hugh Armstrong.  And speaking as someone who is regularly victimized by him, I find it hilarious.  If all you saw of Hugh was the 90 minutes on the baseball field you wouldn't know the that there is a caring man there; both for his team and individuals.  There are few teams that have people shuttle to different positions more than the Rusty Rebels.  And always on the Rebels, every player takes a turn sitting during the season.  That doesn't happen on all clubs.  Good work Hugh!

Tap Masters                              Rob Rumboldt

Rob Rumboldt is a fun guy to be around.  Here is some video of his play this year.  

This might have been the toughest team to pick an MSP for.  They had 5 or 6 guys that could win any given year.  The one they picked was a great call.  Rob somehow managed to hit .723 with an arm that required post season surgery (i've seen him in town in a sling).  He must have done that by nursing it along all year, right?  Not so much, he didn't miss a single game all season.  Baseball and damaged wing put to the side, Rob is truly a master of the dead-pan.  He'll tell you a story on the bleachers and you sit there thinking, "there's no way this is true".  And you look at him and he stares back straight-faced; until he can't hold it anymore and breaks out into that big toothy grin.  Great season Robbie!  Get that healed up for spring.  

Mike Ellis Memorial Award:

For the most improved player in the league.   This award is one of our few real baseball skill awards.  The type of skill varies from year to year and winner to winner.  This year we had some really good finalists and a healthy debate on the final winner.

And the winner is of course Dwyane Comer.  Look how excited he was when he got the news!

Even with baseball specific awards, stats aren't always the greatest indicator.  Dwyane went from a 'nice player' last year to a legitimate threat in 2013.  He regularly had the key hit to keep rallies going for the Dodge City Rounders.  And his new found defensive excellence (leading with glove) made for a lot of short innings for the Rounders.

Great year Dwayne, congrats from 179 guys.  And don't think you'll be able to stay hidden anymore!


The Beer Cup:

After enduring the question "what the hell is the Beer Cup" for the first month of the season, I made it the lead of every week's stats page on Saturday mornings.  That helped.

The Genesis (not the band) of the award comes from Simon Smith (not the band The Smith's) who forwarded me a link to a cool rugby trophy.  Rob and I kicked around the idea for some time, making a few subtle modifications.

What we wanted was a contest that was ongoing throughout the season, something that was fun, could be tracked and had an air of randomness to it.  I think everyone in the league believes that anyone can win on any given night and we wanted a way to emphasize that.  The last place club this season beat the 4th, 6th and 13 place teams and tied #5.  Anything can happen.

The Beer Cup started with the Beer Bros. and Brew Jays settling the score from the previous years final.  Here is how the Beer Cup season went.  The team in bold held the title:

Beer Bros. (7) Vs. Brew Jays (3)
Beer Bros. (7) Vs. Hot Tub Woody's (6)
Dislocated Joints (2) Vs. Hot Tub Woody's (6)
Dislocated Joints (2) Vs. Gruesome Devils (5)
Red Dogs (14) Vs. Dislocated Joints (2)
Grisslies (15) Vs. Dislocated Joints (2)
Hurtin' Units (13) Vs. Dislocated Joints (2)
Dislocated Joints (2) Vs. Dodge City Rounders (8)
Dodge City Rounders (8) Vs. Red Dogs (14)
Red Dogs (14) Vs. Brew Jays (3)
Brew Jays (3) Vs. Dislocated Joints (2)
Brew Jays (3) Vs. Gruesome Devils (5)
Blues Brothers (10) Vs. Brew Jays (3)
Blues Brothers (10) Vs. Red Dogs (14)
Dislocated Joints (2) Vs. Red Dogs (14)
Hot Tub Woody's (6) Vs. Dislocated Joints (2)
Blues Brothers (10) Vs. Dislocated Joints (2)
Dislocated Joints (2) Vs. Grisslies (15)
Dislocated Joints (2) Vs. Beer Bros. (7)
Dislocated Joints (2) Vs. Dusty Cleats (11)
Dodge City Rounders (8) Vs. Dislocated Joints (2)
Hot Tub Woody's (6) Vs. Dodge City Rounders (8)
Dodge City Rounders (8) Vs. Blues Brothers (10)

So the Beer Cup was contested 23 times.  The Dislocated Joints played in 13 of those games.  The Dodge City Rounders played in 5 as did the Brew Jays; The Hot Tub Woody's, Red Dogs and Blues Brothers 4; the Beer Bros. 3; Gruesome Devils and Grisslies 2; Hurtin' Units and Dusty Cleats1.  The Draft Kings, Tap Masters, Dog Catchers and Rusty Rebels never had an opportunity to play for the Beer Cup.

The home team won 12 games; the visitors 11.

The team with better end of season record won 16 times; the underdog won 7.

The Dislocated Joints and Dodge City Rounders played twice this season.  In the fluke of all flukes both were Beer Cup Games.  The first time they met, Dodge broke off a five games streak by the Joints to wrestle the trophy away from them.  The second time they ended a Dislocated Joints' 6 game streak.

At the end of the day, the first ever winner of the Beer Cup goes to one of the truly fun teams in our league, The Dodge City Rounders.  Their first contest next year will start it all off again.  Congrats guys!

Doug Dwyer (presenting) Scott Peters, Rob Farah (presenting) Brett Mabee, Derryl Gaudet, Craig Escott, Keith Dell, Keith Beechey, Al Fry, Cal Steeves, Dwyane Comer

Nellie Award:

The Nellie plaque reads:  "Never say never", "Enjoyment of the sport", "Laughter for all", "Longevity - stay with it", "its never I - its we", "Errors are allowed".  For the team that was the most fun to play against, the team that had the most fun and demonstrated the true spirit of the league.

Congratulations are in order for the Grisslies who are now the second team in the history of the Tottenham Oldtimers to win this award 3 consecutive years.

This is like an entire getting the MSP.  Rob and I would like to thank Al Hayward, Brad Wadden, Dave Muirhead, Doris Casullo, Glen Tinkler, Gord Dol, Rick Greenfield, Roger Gaudet and Winston Gayle; for their suggestions, support and willingness to go with a gag. 

For some of the newer folks to the league, you many not know this but, this was a decidedly down year for the Grisslies.  Rob was vowed that, "next year will blow you away"!!! 

Just to give you a glimpse, we've needed to apply for a liquor license for one gag.  Stay tuned!

Al Hayward, Rick Greenfield, Glen Tinkler, Gord Dol, Doug Dwyer, Rob Farah, Al Bales (sub), Dave Fleming (sub)
The RCL Branch 329 Trophy;

The Trophy is awarded to the regular season champions.  This was presented to the Draft Kings for their 16-7-1 record over the regular season.  They led the league in runs against and plus / minus.

Now that memories are fading, its easy to think about the Draft Kings as being a dominant team that ran away with the regular season and the playoffs.  Not so much.  They lost to the Hurtin' Units, Brew Jays, Dislocated Joints, Dodge City Rounders, Rusty Rebels, Dog Catchers, Beer Bros. and tied the Dusty Cleats.  So the teams that had finished 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 7th had all beaten them.

With 2 games remaining in the season, the Draft Kings, Dislocated Joints, Brew Jays and Dog Catchers were all alive for first place and a muddled tie breaking between those teams made predicting the winner impossible.  But one by one they fell away leaving 1 through 4 separated by a mere 4 points!

Congratulation to the Draft Kings! 

Simon Smith, Jim Rouleau, Wayne Caldwell, Al Nicholl, Steve Black, Steve Brooks, Chuck Cragg, Jeff Handley, Jerry Muirhead, Dan Routledge.  

Playoff Champion Runner's Up:

For second place in the playoffs.  This was presented to the Tap Masters.  This team wouldn't lay down.  They turned every bad break into a rallying cry and made the underdog and easy team to like and cheer for.  Their season culminated in the one of the best finals played.  Great run Tap Masters!

Kevin Cloutier, Cliff Tucker, Cliff Joseph, Neil Pendlebury, Jason Bowers, Tim Schrank 

The Ken Riggs Memorial:

 This Trophy is awarded to the playoff winning team.  This year it belongs to the Draft Kings!  They were the favourites throughout the playoffs which has been a bad spot to be in; in recent years.

They started with the Rusty Rebels, a team that had beaten them in the regular season.  They needed all seven innings to overcome a huge deficit and eke out a 20-17 win.  They would easily take care of the Grisslies 22-5 and then score another 22 against the Hot Tub Woody's while only giving up 15.  Their last opponent in the round robin was another team that had beaten them in the regular season, The Beer Bros.  This game was the type that Draft Kings loved, defensive and tight; but they would fall 12-7 for their only September loss.

In elimination games they would have to exercise some demons.  They played the Joints, a team that had beaten them.  They won this one 15-8.  Then the Dodge City Rounders who they lost to as well; they'd take 'em this time 18-8.

Finally, the last game, the Tap Masters.  A team they had handled with relative ease in the regular season.  Not so much this game.  They had this game lost for 6 1/2 innings.  It was close.  It was entertaining.  The pitching was excellent.  The defense was spectacular.  But it looked bad.  But the best teams do what what the best teams do best.  Rally.  Congratulations again Draft Kings!
Diamond Award:

This league award goes to the individual for the whole of their contribution to the Tottenham Old Timer's League.  This award was presented to Doug Dwyer....

I'm out of words.  This is huge for me and deeply meaningful because it comes from my peers.  I will only say that I do what I do because I love it.  At times its exhausting.  At times the Grisslies don't get my full attention because compelled to help elsewhere.  But I wouldn't trade any of it.

My only hope is to not let anyone down and keep hammering away.

Humbly, you have my most sincere thanks.    

1 comment:

Gere said...

Nice writeup, Doug. And congratulations again on the very well deserved Diamond.