Fall Ball!!!
Just when you thought it was safe to go back on the web….I’m BACK!!!

So in a year full of new experiences, this is my first crack at Fall Ball. To top it off I’m captaining a team along with Mark Doyle. I think it’ll be a good combination because he’s all about hitting and I’m all about….well, not hitting.
If that’s not enough, the two captains that harassed and tormented (errr…I mean coached and mentored) me this year are on our team!!! Yes Mutt & Jeff aka Tom & Jerry aka Felix & Oscar aka Hawkeye & Honeycutt aka Doris and Rob are Master Batters.

Oh, yeah…the team name is “The Master Batters”. The name was chosen to highlight our offensive prowess, but apparently some wise crackers are thinking there are other connotations. Those people need to step up to the curb because the gutter is getting full. This is just a little kick off BLOG to let you know we’re here and I’ll have a game report after Thursday’s match up against the Capers.

(See how the M & B make up the glove?
Very clever....my idea...just saying)
This will be the 1st meeting of the 1 & 2 place hitters in the old-timers league (Doyle & McCarron) since the semi-finals of the playoffs. Both played well that game but its still a pretty painful memory for me. The weather forecast for tomorrow is a balmy 7 degrees with variable clouds. Sunset is scheduled for 7pm tomorrow after which there will be strong chance of darkness.
Master Batters Roster
Rob Farah
Scott Bullen
Doris Casullo
Rocco Casullo
Kyle Saunders
Dave Caldwell
Chris LeBlanc
Francis Walsh
Mark Doyle
Doug Dwyer
(We had another person that we drafted that we had to cut because he failed his medical…we’re currently seeking a replacement)
Master Batters Schedule
Thursday October 1st
Capers Vs Master Batters 7pm Coventry 7 degrees, 7pm sunset
Monday October 5th
Master Batters Vs Hard At It 7pm Keogh 8 degrees, 6:53 sunset
Wednesday October 7th
MT Cases Vs Master Batters 7pm Keogh 9 degrees, 6:49 sunset
Wednesday October 14th
Master Batters Vs Cold Stix 8:30 Keogh 4 degrees, 6:37 sunset
Wednesday October 21st
Get’er Done Vs Master Batters 7pm Keogh 4 degrees, 6:26 sunset
Wednesday October 28th
Master Batters Vs Capers 7pm Coventry 3 degrees, 6:15 sunset
Getting to Know You!!!
Mark Doyle, trooper that he is, agreed to play 5 questions to help give everyone a little insight into what makes him tick. Hopefully this helps give you a little understanding in how to approach him and strike up a conversation.
Me: Okay Mark, thanks for agreeing to play 5 questions, lets get started with number one. What languages do you speak?
Mark: Officially I’m only bilingual. I’m well versed in English and French, but I know enough Russian to get by. In fact I’m good with most Slavic languages. You know, Bulgarian, Serbian, Ukrainian, Polish. You know what they say in Russian, “Имейте хорошую игру”
Me: Wow, that was unexpected…lets move on to something a little more mainstream, what’s your favourite hockey team?
Mark: Obviously the Leafs. It probably started when I was about 10 years old. I was a HUGE Miroslav Frycer fan! I know, you’re probably thinking, “Duh, who wasn’t”; but I had posters of that guy all over my room. I even bought a visor just like his. Don’t let being a minus 23 fool you, he was a great two way player. Definitely an all time Leaf great.
Me: You’ve got this Slavic thing going on, huh? How about music? Favourite artist?
Mark: Dude. That is SOOO impossible. That’s like asking a woman, “what are your favourite shoes”? There are a million possible answers. It depends on the mood, the company, the time of day. There are just way too many variables. I suppose if you had to pin me down to an answer I’d have to go with Celine Dion.
Me: I’m learning so much here. Way more than I expected.
Mark: Dude, I’m like an onion.
Me: You make my eyes water?
Mark: No, I have layers.
Me: Oh. Sorry. Question #4, Harper or Ignatieff?
Mark: I know you think that I’m going to say “Harper” because of Harper’s Tavern in Clementon New Jersey where they brew their own beer. But; did you know that “Ignatieff” is a Russian patronymic surname whose literal meaning is ‘son of or descendant of Ignatius.’ As a given name, Ignatius or Slavic versions of it, prospered even in the face of the fact that the Russian Orthodox Church disapproved of the first Jesuit, Saint Ignatius of Loyola (1491–1556), founder of the Society of Jesus.
Me: Wow. Mark, I’m kinda reeling here. This is supposed to be comical more than historical with a Slavic bent. I think this whole ‘onion’ thing is getting to you. Lets try and make the last one a quickie, #5 – You’re on a desert island and you have an infinite supply of one food, what would you pick and don’t say onions.
Mark: Shrimp.
Me: Okay, that was fast! Any particular reason you’d pick shrimp?
Mark: Yeah, think of all the things you can make with it, barbecued shrimp, boiled shrimp, broiled shrimp, baked shrimp, sautéed shrimp, shrimp-kabobs, shrimp Creole, shrimp gumbo, pan fried shrimp, deep fried shrimp, stir-fried shrimp, pineapple shrimp, lemon shrimp, coconut shrimp, pepper shrimp, shrimp soup, shrimp stew, shrimp salad, shrimp and potatoes, shrimp burger, shrimp sandwich.
Me: And that’s 5 question with Mark Doyle. Whether he’s an onion or a cake or a B52; Mark has layers.
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