Its damned near Christmas and I still don't have an AGM BLOG. Good lord.
The Donini deck.
Doug: Its friggin' cold.
Rob: Bah. Its not so bad out. Its usually colder this time of year.
Doug: Sure but cold is cold. What's happening?
Rob: Not much. Hey, do you remember when I got my ministers licence from the university of Phoenix online last year?
Doug: Ya.
Rob: Well, I'm really starting to take it seriously. You know with Christmas coming and all that.
Doug: Good for you. There's nothing unhealthy about being religious.
Rob: I knew you'd understand.
Doug: If there's anything I can do to help let me know.
Rob: Well, actually....I'm looking at getting one of those necklaces with the letter 't' on it.
Doug: Its called a cross.
Rob: A cross?
Doug: Ya. Its to represent the Crucifixion.
Rob: What does a 't' have to do with not breathing?
Doug: Dude...not asphyxiation. Crucifixion. Jesus, dying on the cross. Kind of the basis of christianity.
Rob: I see.
Doug: Ya
Rob: I think being religious is going to take some research.
Doug: That's okay, a little bible study will do you some good. Especially this time of year.
Rob: Why?
Doug: Christmas?
Rob: RIGHT! Of course. Christmas. Right. I have a problem though.
Doug: Which is...?
Rob: I don't speak Mexican and I certainly can't read it.
Doug: I'll bite. Why is that important, pretending that Mexican is actually a language.
Rob: Well if I'm going to read up on the Jesus guy, I'm assuming that I'd need to know Mexican.
Doug: Honestly.
Rob: By the way, he sounds like a middle-infielder, don't you think?
Yes, the AGM.
Its the biggest under-attended event of the year!!!
Some people have to work. I understand. Some people have family commitments. I certainly get that too. But why we only got 39 out of 180 players attend defies all logic to me. One school of thought on attendance is that the League is already running well, so what's the big deal? Sure, the League IS running well. But the Corvette is known to be a pretty snazzy automobile, yet they make minor changes every model year.
What I'm saying (on behalf of me, NOT on behalf of the League) is that all of us have a voice in shaping how this League looks going forward. I've hear often, and several times at the AGM, that this is the best League going. That may very well be true. Lets ensure it stays that way.
We didn't hit 40% voter turn out in the municipal election this year. Lets set a goal of improving on our 21% turn out for the AGM and eclipse the voter number next year. Start talking about it early and make a difference to keep us strong.
So, there were probably 3 pretty big things that came out of the AGM this year.
1. Discussion around the retention of older members of the League for which a committee was set up.
2. There is no registration fee increase for 2015!
3. Danny Chiasson is the new Web Master.
Ya, you read that right.
Luckily for me Danny finally consented to an interview with the BLOG.
Doug: So, Danny boy, Web-Master!!! Wow.
Dan: Actually I'd like to be addressed by my title please.
Doug: Which is?
Dan: Web-Master.
Doug: Oh.
Web-Master: Hey. I earned it. It was a hard fought election and I won.
Doug: Wasn't it a volunteer position?
Web-Master: Be that as it may, I clearly have the support of my peers, although I question whether I really have any peers.
Doug: Okay, so here is the big question that your adoring public has been dying to have answered. WHY? Why would you volunteer for the web-master position Dan?
Web-Master: uhhhh?
Doug: Sorry. Why would you volunteer for the web-master position, web-master?
Web-Master: Better. Honestly, besides my great technical background, I think its the uniform.
Doug: What uniform?
Web-Master: I get to pick whatever I want.
Doug: Seriously? First I've heard of this. have you decided?
Web-Master: No, still looking. I'll show you a couple. There's this kind of medieval looking one.
Doug: Flattering. does the sword come with?
Web-Master: Don't know. Then there's one I'm really proud of, its the Colonel Hogan. .
Doug: Sure it is. Makes me want to whistle.
Web-Master: I'll bet it does. Then there's the roman centurion one. This is ironic because centurion's protect people and I, as your web-master" protect your data.
Web-Master: There there's this pirate outfit.
Doug: Look out Johnny Depp! So are you wearing these to games? Or is it simply when you are web-mastering?
Web-Master: When I'm web-mastering. And at parties. Do you like this one? its kinda super heroish, eh?
Doug: If gimps stop robbery's then this is your look, go with it.
Web-Master: I like the purple leotard too. I reminds me of dance school.
Doug: Dance school? Well, I think the outfit is a quite becoming.
Web-Master: I'm stuck. I don't know what to pick.
Doug: Personally, I think you should go with something that represents you as person.
Web-Master: Ya. I see what you mean.
Doug: I have an idea, what do you think of this...
Web-Master: OMG....I'm going to cry. Its perfect.
Doug: Your welcome. So, outside of the costume, why else did you take this role?
Web-Master: Well, obviously my computer literacy.
Doug: Seriously?
Web-Master: Oh ya, I've got a Pentium inside.
Doug: Really? You're that much of a techie?
Web-Master: Nah. I heard that on a commercial.
Doug: I know you Web-master. I know you know a lot more than you're letting on about the whole technology thing. I'm sure that we'll see a great many improvements and upgrades on the website!
Web-Master: What's a website?