Well this was unusual. No big arguments. No real surprises. No fist fights. Finished early. Just plain weird if you ask me.
We had 40 people in attendance this year which is actually about average. I don't condem people for not going. A lot of people work shift, have other sport or family commitments or were simply enjoying what may have been the last beautiful Sunday afternoon of the year.
However, for those of you who did attend, Tim Schrank, Jens Lepa, Steve DeLand, Paul Gyori, Jason Bowers, Lou Conforti, Steve Ross, Brad Smith, Rob Farah, Bob Candy, Cliff Tucker, Hugh Armstrong, Doris Casullo, Bill Brown, Dane Eldridge, Charlie O'Leary, Bo Niederhuber, John Tessier, Wayne Bickford, Eric Hipken, Mike Olliffe, Jamie Allan, Gord Roberston, Pully, james Taylor, Cameron Clark, Mark Doyle, Ed Hopkins, Chris Ross, Tito Presenza, Andy Gee, Paul Piellusch, Jeff Dancy, Rod Duggan, Peiro Del Greco, Craig Slater, Rob Rumboldt, Al Hayward, Anicete Goncalves: you did your league a great service in voicing your opinions and helping set direction.
Note: Ed Hopkins, Jeff Dancey and Jason Bowers let it be known that they would not be running for the positions of Treasurer, 1st vice and volunteering as sub controller.
You can read the winners in the scroll, but here's generally how it went:
Incumbent: Jamie McClean
Nominations: Jamie McClean (accepted)
Result: Jamie McClean elected.
Incumbent: Ed Hopkins
Nominations: Cliff Tucker (accepted)
Tucker elected.
First Vice President
Incumbent: Jeff Dancey
Nominations: Steve Ross (accepted); Keith Beechey (declined)
Result: Steve Ross elected.
Second Vice President
Incumbent: Paul Piellusch
Nominations: Paul Piellusch (accepted)
Result: Paul Piellusch elected.
Third Vice President:
Incumbent: Andy Gee
Nominations: Andy Gee (accepted)
Result: Andy Gee elected
Sub Controller
Incumbent: Jason Bowers (prime), Rob Farah (backup)
Call for volunteers: Rob Farah (offer)
Call for assistance: Jens Lepa (offer)
Result: Rob Farah (prime), Jens Lepa (backup)
Standings, Re-scheduling, Stats
Incumbent: Doug Dwyer
Call for volunteers: Doug Dwyer (offer)
Call for assistance: none
Result: Doug Dwyer
Golf Tournament Convener
Call for volunteers: Kevin Boston (in absentia)
Call for asistance: none
Result: Kevin Boston
Help The Kids Chair
Incumbent: Chris Ross
Call for volunteers: Chris Ross (offer)
Call for assistance: none
Result: Chris Ross.
Because to my poor record keeping, the lack of activity and the beer, I've lumped the four most pertinent points that I noted together. Whether they are classified as new business or constitutional changes doesn't matter so much.
1. It was proposed to have some clarity added to the tie breaker scenario for regular season standings. Our constitution currently lists head-to-head records as one of the tie breakers. It was suggested that we further state that it is only based on points generated in head-to-head games. Runs scored and runs against are not factors. PASSED.
2. A General concern was raised about field safety and players being asked to play in games in which they felt they were jeopardizing their heath and potentially their jobs. The point was raised by Hugh Armstrong, Rod Duggan and others that field conditions are considered by captains, are reviewed with the umpires and communicated to teams. Jamie McClean indicated that no player would face any negative repercussions in pulling themselves from a game based on the condition of the field. No motion was made or vote taken on this subject.
3. A suggestion was made that outfielders not be allowed to throw out a runner at 1st base. It was further suggested that we try an tailor a rule to this effect for a few select players. This point lead to a very healthy conversation with no motion being forwarded for vote. However, it was agreed that captains will continue to be conscious of the disparity between the skill sets of players and govern their teams accordingly (it would probably be good to have this as an agenda item for an executive meeting so we can level set before the season).
4. The discussion of user fees was brought up. Jamie McClean brought 'late breaking news' to the meeting that the increase in fees we've been hearing about for more than year will likely be incremental and perhaps less than once thought, but that the final decision wasn't in. It was suggested from the floor of the meeting that we increase the fees by $5.00 for this year, even if it simply results in an increased float, if only to lessen the pain of future increases. Good points were raised on both sides and a motion of the increase was raised and voted on. DEFEATED.
1) Thanks to the Hurtin' Units! That mustachioed bunch kept us all in beer from 2pm on!
2) Line of the day candidate 1: (paraphrased)
Jamie: And another announcement....Our longest continuous serving executive memeber Jeff Dancey won't be coming back as an elected member next year. Jeff, who was president your first year on the executive?
3) Line of the day candidate 2: (paraphrased)
Scott Mason: Blah, blah, blah, ..... blah, blah, blah .... and then there's those of you already collecting a pension cheque.
(much laughter ensured....Bob Candy doesn't appear to be terribly impressed - my bet is Mason is drafted by the Red Dogs next year. Things tend to work out that way)
4) Line of the day candidate 3: (paraphrased)
As a lead into this....Everyone knows that Doris is trying to take over the league, but not everyone knows that he used to Shakespearean actor. A Thespian if you will. Because of that his stage voice is EXCEPTIONALLY loud! And his stage whisper is about the same as Bobcat Goldthwait ordering a sandwich in a busy New York deli. So Rod Duggan has the floor and is having a pretty "from the heart" conversation about players who are struggling to stay in the league and how we can possibly accommodate that. Meanwhile, Betman is a table over whispering at jet engine volume to the guy next time who's ear is now bleeding.
Rod: I just think if we have an opportunity to .....
Rod: make allowances for guys who have given so much to the league
Rod: Then we should probably do.....HEY COMMISH....Could you shut-up please?
My vote is #3....I woke laughing to that again this morning.
100 days to the next executive meeting!